Configuring the plugin
Configuring the pluginConfiguring what URLs can be requested with the HTTP client

Configuring what URLs can be requested with the HTTP client

With the HTTP Client extension, the GraphQL schema is provided with global fields to execute HTTP requests against a webserver and fetch their response:

  • _sendJSONObjectItemHTTPRequest
  • _sendJSONObjectItemHTTPRequests
  • _sendJSONObjectCollectionHTTPRequest
  • _sendJSONObjectCollectionHTTPRequests
  • _sendHTTPRequest
  • _sendHTTPRequests
  • _sendGraphQLHTTPRequest
  • _sendGraphQLHTTPRequests

We must configure the list of URLs that we can connect to.

Each entry can either be:

  • A regex (regular expression), if it's surrounded by / or #, or
  • The complete URL, otherwise

For instance, any of these entries match URL "":

  • #
  • #*#
  • /https:\\/\\/\\/(\S+)/

There are 2 places where this configuration can take place, in order of priority:

  1. Custom: In the corresponding Schema Configuration
  2. General: In the Settings page

In the Schema Configuration applied to the endpoint, select option "Use custom configuration" and then input the desired entries:

Defining the entries for the Schema Configuration

Otherwise, the entries defined in the "Send HTTP Request Fields" tab from the Settings will be used:

Defining the entries for the Settings
Defining the entries for the Settings

There are 2 behaviors, "Allow access" and "Deny access":

  • Allow access: only the configured entries can be accessed, and no other can
  • Deny access: the configured entries cannot be accessed, all other entries can
Defining the access behavior
Defining the access behavior