Empower your site with Gato GraphQL

Interact with all your data in WordPress

The free Gato GraphQL plugin provides all the standard GraphQL features, plus many custom ones for speed, performance and functionality.

Multiple mechanisms are provided to help protect your data.
Create and expose multiple custom GraphQL schemas under their own URL, for different users, applications, external services, or other.
GraphQL queries which are stored in the server and accessed under their own URL, thus emulating a REST endpoint.
Interact with the GraphQL server using a graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE
Visualize and explore the GraphQL schema using an interactive client
Configure the GraphQL schema without any PHP code, thanks to dedicated clients based on the WordPress-editor
Tackle admin tasks that are common to WordPress sites, by executing an already-installed persisted query.
In addition to creating and exposing public endpoints, create private endpoints, and protect a public endpoint with a password.
Fetch data for your Gutenberg blocks, via an internal GraphQL endpoint accessible within the wp-admin only.
Organize endpoints hierarchically, to group and expose related endpoints under a logical structure.
Organize custom endpoint and persisted queries by assigning them custom categories, similar to posts in WordPress.
Avoid conflicts in the schema, by having all type names automatically namespaced.
Execute a mutation within a queried entity (similar to accessing a field), and not only on the root type in the GraphQL query.
Decide if to expose or not private data in a public API.
Common fields added to all types of the GraphQL schema (while being defined only once).
Expose directives that augment other directives, modifying their behavior or filling a gap.
Have directives applied to multiple fields (instead of only one), for performance and extended use cases.
Input object where exactly one of the input fields must be provided as input, or the server returns a validation error.
Mutation fields can be configured to return either a payload object type, or directly the mutated entity.
Version fields and directives independently from the overall schema.
Use the top-level entry 'extensions' to send data concerning deprecations and warnings in the response to the query.
Truly unleash your capabilities with Gato GraphQL PRO

Manage your WordPress site using advanced GraphQL

The Gato GraphQL PRO plugin provides features to retrieve, manipulate and store any piece of data, from WordPress and the wider web. Automate your tasks and content workflows.

Additional mechanisms to help protect that your data is safe, accessible only to the intended targets.
Automatically execute a GraphQL Persisted Query when some event happens on the site, creating automations via a user interface.
Avoid visitors accessing private data from your site, by granting granular access to the schema, based on the user being logged-in or not, having a certain role or capability, and more.
Control the desired behavior when a user without access to some field or directive in the schema attempts to access it.
Cache the GraphQL response via standard HTTP caching, with the max-age value automatically calculated.
Extend the GraphQL schema to access data from popular WordPress plugins.
Deprecate fields on the GraphQL schema by using a user interface, without the need to deploy any code.
Combine multiple queries into a single one, share state across them, and execute it in only one request.
Obtain the value of a field, manipulate it, and input it into another field, all within the same query.
Expose functionalities commonly found in programming languages (such as PHP) via GraphQL fields.
Expose functionalities commonly found in programming languages (such as PHP) via GraphQL directives.
Set of fields added to the schema, providing commonly-used helper functionality.
In your GraphQL document, query a value from an environment variable, or from a PHP constant.
Execute HTTP requests against a webserver and fetch their response.
Grant non-admin users access to the clients in the admin, and access to editing the GraphQL schema and its configuration.
Discover the power

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