Queries Library
Queries LibraryTranslate posts for Polylang (Classic editor)

Translate posts for Polylang (Classic editor)

This GraphQL query is an integration for the Polylang plugin (and also Polylang PRO), to translate posts based on the Classic editor.

This query requires the endpoint to have Nested Mutations enabled.

It takes an origin post, it translates it using the Google Translate API to all the other languages defined in Polylang, and stores those translations in the corresponding posts, as set-up via Polylang.

All translation posts must already exist, created using the Polylang UI. These posts must also have the draft status to be updated. To update posts with any other status, use variable $statusToUpdate (for instance, passing value publish, pending or any).

By default, the origin post must have the default language of the site, or the translation will not be executed. To translate from any language, pass variable $translateDefaultLanguageOnly with false.

Additionally, translate only from a specific language by providing $translateFromLanguage with the language code (for instance, "en"). It applies only when $translateDefaultLanguageOnly is false.

To limit for what languages to execute the translation, pass variables $includeLanguagesToTranslate (if empty, all languages will be included) and $excludeLanguagesToTranslate.

By default it also translates the post slug. To disable, pass variable updateSlug with false.

There are languages for which the code used by WordPress and by Google Translate are different. For instance, Norwegian is represented as "nb" by WordPress, and as "no" by Google Translate. To support translating to these languages, provide the language code mapping via the $languageMapping GraphQL variable:

  "languageMapping": {
    "nb": "no"
# Variables:
#   - postId: The post with the origin language, from where all translations will be made
#   - statusToUpdate: The status the translation posts must have to be updated. It is `draft` by default. Pass `any` for any status.
#   - updateSlug: Indicate if to update the post slug, using the translated title. It is `true` by default.
#   - translateDefaultLanguageOnly: Indicate if only execute the translation when the origin post has the default language of the site. It is `true` by default.
#   - translateFromLanguage: Only execute the translation when the origin post has some provided language. It applies only when `translateDefaultLanguageOnly` is `false`
#   - includeLanguagesToTranslate: Limit languages to execute the translation for. If empty, all languages are included
#   - excludeLanguagesToTranslate: Exclude languages from executing the translation
#   - languageMapping: JSON object to convert languages codes to work with Google Translate. For instance, WordPress uses "nb" as the code for Norwegian, but Google Translate uses "no" instead; to translate to Norwegian, then pass value `{"nb": "no"}`
# *********************************************************************
# === Description ===
# This Persisted GraphQL query is an integration for Polylang,
# to translate posts based on the Classic editor.
# It takes an origin post, it translates it using the Google
# Translate API to all the other languages defined in Polylang,
# and stores those translations in the corresponding posts,
# as set-up via Polylang.
# All translation posts must already exist, created using the
# Polylang UI. These posts must also have the  `draft` status
# to be updated. To update posts with any other status, use
# variable `$statusToUpdate` (for instance, passing value
# `publish`, `pending` or `any`)
# By default, the origin post must have the default language
# of the site, or the translation will not be executed.
# To translate from any language, pass variable
# `$translateDefaultLanguageOnly` with `false`.
# Additionally, translate only from a specific language by
# providing `$translateFromLanguage` with the language code
# (for instance, `"en"`). It applies only when
# `$translateDefaultLanguageOnly` is `false`.
# To limit for what languages to execute the translation, pass
# variables `$includeLanguagesToTranslate` (if empty, all languages
# will be included) and `$excludeLanguagesToTranslate`.
# By default it also translates the post slug. To disable, pass
# variable `updateSlug` with `false`.
# For some languages, the code used by WordPress and Google Translate
# are different. For instance, Norwegian is represented as "nb" by
# WordPress, and as "no" by Google Translate. To support translating
# to these languages, provide the language code mapping via the
# `$languageMapping` GraphQL variable, such as:
#   {
#     "languageMapping": {
#       "nb": "no"
#     }
#   }
# See Persisted Query "Translate post (Classic editor)" for additional
# documentation.
query InitializeVariables
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
  emptyString: _echo(value: null)
    @export(as: "fromLanguage")
  emptyBool: _echo(value: false)
    @export(as: "hasTranslationPosts")
    @export(as: "executeTranslation")
  emptyArray: _echo(value: [])
    @export(as: "translationPostIds")
query ExportOriginPost(
  $postId: ID!
  $includeLanguagesToTranslate: [String!]
  $excludeLanguagesToTranslate: [String!]
  @depends(on: "InitializeVariables")
  defaultLanguage: polylangDefaultLanguage {
    code @export(as: "defaultLanguage")
  languages: polylangLanguages {
    code @export(
      as: "languageLocaleCodes"
      type: DICTIONARY
  originPost: post(by: { id: $postId }, status: any) {
    polylangLanguage {
      code @export(as: "fromLanguage")
    polylangTranslationLanguageIDs(filter: {
      includeLanguages: $includeLanguagesToTranslate
      excludeLanguages: $excludeLanguagesToTranslate
    translationPostIds: _objectValues(object: $__polylangTranslationLanguageIDs)
      @export(as: "translationPostIds")
    hasTranslationPosts: _notEmpty(value: $__translationPostIds)
      @export(as: "hasTranslationPosts")
      @export(as: "originRawTitle")
      @export(as: "originRawContent")
      @export(as: "originRawExcerpt")
  hasOriginPost: _notNull(value: $__originPost)
    @export(as: "hasOriginPost")
query FetchData(
  $statusToUpdate: CustomPostStatusEnum! = draft
  $translateDefaultLanguageOnly: Boolean! = true
  $translateFromLanguage: String
  @depends(on: "ExportOriginPost")
  @include(if: $hasOriginPost)
  @include(if: $hasTranslationPosts)
  translationPosts: posts(filter: { ids: $translationPostIds, status: $statusToUpdate } ) {
    polylangLanguage @export(
      as: "translationPostLanguages"
      type: DICTIONARY
    ) {
    rawTitle: _echo(value: $originRawTitle)
    rawContent: _echo(value: $originRawContent)
    rawExcerpt: _echo(value: $originRawExcerpt)
        as: "dataToTranslate",
        affectAdditionalFieldsUnderPos: [1, 2]
        type: DICTIONARY
  hasTranslationPosts: _notEmpty(value: $__translationPosts)
  originPostHasDefaultLanguage: _equals(
    value1: $defaultLanguage,
    value2: $fromLanguage
  isTranslateFromLanguageProvided: _notEmpty(value: $translateFromLanguage)
  originPostHasSpecificLanguage: _equals(
    value1: $translateFromLanguage,
    value2: $fromLanguage
  canTranslateOriginPostFromSpecificLanguage: _if(
    condition: $__isTranslateFromLanguageProvided,
    then: $__originPostHasSpecificLanguage,
    else: true
  canTranslateOriginPost: _if(
    condition: $translateDefaultLanguageOnly,
    then: $__originPostHasDefaultLanguage,
    else: $__canTranslateOriginPostFromSpecificLanguage
  executeTranslation: _and(values: [
    @export(as: "executeTranslation")
query TranslateData(
  $languageMapping: JSONObject! = {}
  @depends(on: "FetchData")
  @include(if: $executeTranslation)
  translatedData: _echo(value: $dataToTranslate)
      passKeyOnwardsAs: "postID"
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4]
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $translationPostLanguages,
          by: { key: $postID }
        passOnwardsAs: "toLanguageLocale"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $languageLocaleCodes,
          by: { key: $toLanguageLocale }
        passOnwardsAs: "toLanguage"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $languageMapping,
          by: { key: $toLanguage }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
          valueWhenNonExistingKeyOrPath: $toLanguage
        passOnwardsAs: "toLanguage"
          from: $fromLanguage,
          to: $toLanguage
    @export(as: "translatedData")
query GenerateMutationInputs(
  $updateSlug: Boolean! = true
  @depends(on: "TranslateData")
  @include(if: $executeTranslation)
  postInputs: _echo(value: $translatedData)
      passValueOnwardsAs: "postTranslatedData"
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $postTranslatedData,
          by: {
            key: "rawTitle",
        passOnwardsAs: "postTranslatedRawTitle"
        name: "_if",
        arguments: {
          condition: $updateSlug,
          then: $postTranslatedRawTitle,
          else: null
        passOnwardsAs: "postMaybeTranslatedSlug"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $postTranslatedData,
          by: {
            key: "rawExcerpt",
        passOnwardsAs: "postTranslatedRawExcerpt"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $postTranslatedData,
          by: {
            key: "rawContent",
        passOnwardsAs: "postTranslatedRawContent"
        name: "_echo",
        arguments: {
          value: {
            title: $postTranslatedRawTitle,
            slug: $postMaybeTranslatedSlug,
            excerpt: $postTranslatedRawExcerpt,
            contentAs: {
              html: $postTranslatedRawContent
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "postInputs")
mutation TranslateClassicEditorPosts(
  $statusToUpdate: CustomPostStatusEnum! = draft
  @depends(on: "GenerateMutationInputs")
  @include(if: $executeTranslation)
  updateTranslationPosts: posts(filter: { ids: $translationPostIds, status: $statusToUpdate } ) {
    postInput: _objectProperty(
      object: $postInputs,
      by: {
        key: $__id
    update(input: $__postInput) {
      errors {
        ...on ErrorPayload {
      post {