Queries Library
Queries LibraryTranslate pages for multilingual WordPress site (Classic editor)

Translate pages for multilingual WordPress site (Classic editor)

This GraphQL query helps create a Multilingual site where every site is the translation for some language. The content is based on the Classic editor, and it is most suitable with a WordPress multisite network.

This query requires the endpoint to have Nested Mutations enabled.

The query must be executed on the master site (with source content), which must have the “Power Extensions” bundle installed. All other sites in the network can have the free Gato GraphQL plugin.

An Application Password is used to connect to the network sites. Make sure to provide the $username and $appPassword variables for a user with access to all sites.

The query retrieves the language from the main site and from the external site, and compares them:

  • If they are the same, simply replicate all pages
  • If they are different, replicate all pages with translated content

(This way, if the main site has en language, and another site in the network also has en, all pages are still replicated.)

Then it grabs the pages from the master site, and (if required) translates them all at once to the destination site's language, by executing a single call to the Google Translate API.

Finally it creates all those pages in the external site.

# Variables:
#   - $username: The username to log into the external site
#   - $appPassword: The application password to log into the external site
#   - $externalSiteURL: The URL of the external site, where all pages will be (translated and) created
#   - (Optional) $pageIDs: Restrict translating/creating the pages with given IDs
#   - (Optional) $pageStatus: Fetch pages with given status
#   - (Optional) $externalSiteGraphQLEndpointPath: Path to the GraphQL endpoint on the external site
# *********************************************************************
# === Description ===
# This Persisted GraphQL query helps create a Multilingual site
# where every site is the translation for some language. The content
# is based on the Classic editor, and it is most suitable with a
# WordPress multisite network.
# It must be executed on the master site, which must have the PRO plugin.
# All other sites in the network can have the free Gato GraphQL plugin.
# The query retrieves the language from the main site and from the external
# site, and compares them:
#   - If they are the same, simply replicate all pages
#   - If they are different, replicate all pages with translated content
#   (This way, if the main site has "en" language, and another site in
#   the network also has "en", all pages are still replicated.)
# Then it grabs all the pages from the master site, and (if required) it
# translates them all at once (in bulk) to the destination site's language,
# by executing a single call to the Google Translate API.
# Finally it creates all those pages in the external site.
query InitializeExternalSiteVariables
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
    @export(as: "isGutenbergEditorEnabled")
  emptyBool: _echo(value: false)
    @export(as: "hasMasterPages")
    @export(as: "executeTranslation")
query ExportData(
  $username: String!
  $appPassword: String!
  $externalSiteURL: URL!
  $externalSiteGraphQLEndpointPath: String! = "/graphql/internal/"
  $pageIDs: [ID!]! = []
  $pageStatus: [CustomPostStatusEnum!]! = [publish]
  @depends(on: "InitializeExternalSiteVariables")
  @skip(if: $isGutenbergEditorEnabled)
  # Retrieve the language of the content
    @export(as: "fromLanguage")
  # Generate the authorization header to connect to the external site
  loginCredentials: _sprintf(
    string: "%s:%s",
    values: [$username, $appPassword]
  base64EncodedLoginCredentials: _strBase64Encode(
    string: $__loginCredentials
  authorizationHeaderValue: _sprintf(
    string: "Basic %s",
    values: [$__base64EncodedLoginCredentials]
    @export(as: "authorizationHeaderValue")
  # Generate the external site's GraphQL endpoint to connect to
  endpoint: _sprintf(
    string: "%s%s",
    values: [
    @export(as: "endpoint")
  masterPages: pages(filter: { ids: $pageIDs, status: $pageStatus }) {
    emptyArray: _echo(value: [])
        as: "rawTitle"
        type: DICTIONARY
        as: "rawContent"
        type: DICTIONARY
        as: "rawExcerpt"
        type: DICTIONARY
  hasMasterPages: _notEmpty(value: $__masterPages)
    @export(as: "hasMasterPages")
query RetrieveAndExportExternalSiteLanguage
  @depends(on: "ExportData")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  # Retrieve the language of the external site
  externalHTTPRequest: _sendGraphQLHTTPRequest(input:{
    endpoint: $endpoint,
    query: """
  me {
    options: {
      headers: [
          name: "Authorization",
          value: $authorizationHeaderValue
  externalSiteLanguage: _objectProperty(
    object: $__externalHTTPRequest,
    by: {
      path: "data.siteLanguage"
    @export(as: "toLanguage")
  # Indicate if connecting to the external site was successful
  hasRetrievedExternalSiteLanguage: _notEmpty(
    value: $__externalSiteLanguage
  # Only translate the content if the master/destination sites languages are different
  areFromToLanguagesDifferent: _notEquals(
    value1: $fromLanguage
    value2: $__externalSiteLanguage
  # Flag to indicate if to translate the content
  executeTranslation: _and(
    values: [
    @export(as: "executeTranslation")
query FetchData(
  $pageIDs: [ID!]! = []
  $pageStatus: [CustomPostStatusEnum!]! = [publish]
  @depends(on: "RetrieveAndExportExternalSiteLanguage")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  fetchDataPages: pages(filter: { ids: $pageIDs, status: $pageStatus }) {
        as: "rawTitle"
        type: DICTIONARY
        as: "rawContent"
        type: DICTIONARY
        as: "rawExcerpt"
        type: DICTIONARY
query AdaptData
  @depends(on: "FetchData")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  adaptedToRawTitle: _echo(value: $rawTitle)
      passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: {
          value: [$value]
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "adaptedToRawTitle")
  adaptedFromTitle: _echo(value: $rawTitle)
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: {
          value: [""]
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "adaptedFromTitle")
  adaptedToRawContent: _echo(value: $rawContent)
      passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: {
          value: [$value]
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "adaptedToRawContent")
  adaptedFromRawContent: _echo(value: $rawContent)
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: {
          value: [""]
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "adaptedFromRawContent")
  adaptedToRawExcerpt: _echo(value: $rawExcerpt)
      passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: {
          value: [$value]
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "adaptedToRawExcerpt")
  adaptedFromRawExcerpt: _echo(value: $rawExcerpt)
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: {
          value: [""]
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "adaptedFromRawExcerpt")
query TransformData
  @depends(on: "AdaptData")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  transformations: _echo(value: {
    metaRawTitle: {
      from: $adaptedFromTitle,
      to: $adaptedToRawTitle,
    metaRawContent: {
      from: $adaptedFromRawContent,
      to: $adaptedToRawContent,
    metaRawExcerpt: {
      from: $adaptedFromRawExcerpt,
      to: $adaptedToRawExcerpt,
    @if(condition: $executeTranslation)
        @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "to" })
                from: $fromLanguage,
                to: $toLanguage
    @export(as: "transformations")
query PrepareMetaReplacements
  @depends(on: "TransformData")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  transformedMetaTitle: _echo(value: $rawTitle)
      passKeyOnwardsAs: "pageID"
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3]
        name: "_sprintf",
        arguments: {
          string: "metaRawTitle.to.%s",
          values: [$pageID]
        passOnwardsAs: "titlePath"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $transformations
          by: { path: $titlePath }
        passOnwardsAs: "transformedPostTitleAsArray"
        name: "_arrayItem",
        arguments: {
          array: $transformedPostTitleAsArray
          position: 0
        setResultInResponse: true
      as: "transformedRawTitle"
  transformedMetaRawContent: _echo(value: $rawContent)
      passKeyOnwardsAs: "pageID"
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3]
        name: "_sprintf",
        arguments: {
          string: "metaRawContent.to.%s",
          values: [$pageID]
        passOnwardsAs: "rawContentPath"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $transformations
          by: { path: $rawContentPath }
        passOnwardsAs: "transformedPostRawContentAsArray"
        name: "_arrayItem",
        arguments: {
          array: $transformedPostRawContentAsArray
          position: 0
        setResultInResponse: true
      as: "transformedRawContent"
  transformedMetaRawExcerpt: _echo(value: $rawExcerpt)
      passKeyOnwardsAs: "pageID"
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3]
        name: "_sprintf",
        arguments: {
          string: "metaRawExcerpt.to.%s",
          values: [$pageID]
        passOnwardsAs: "rawExcerptPath"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $transformations
          by: { path: $rawExcerptPath }
        passOnwardsAs: "transformedPostRawExcerptAsArray"
        name: "_arrayItem",
        arguments: {
          array: $transformedPostRawExcerptAsArray
          position: 0
        setResultInResponse: true
      as: "transformedRawExcerpt"
query ExportMutationInputs(
  $pageIDs: [ID!]! = []
  $pageStatus: [CustomPostStatusEnum!]! = [publish]
  @depends(on: "PrepareMetaReplacements")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  exportPages: pages(filter: { ids: $pageIDs, status: $pageStatus }) {
    transformedRawContent: _objectProperty(
      object: $transformedRawContent,
      by: {
        key: $__id
    transformedRawTitle: _objectProperty(
      object: $transformedRawTitle,
      by: {
        key: $__id
    transformedSlug: _echo(value: $__transformedRawTitle)
    transformedRawExcerpt: _objectProperty(
      object: $transformedRawExcerpt,
      by: {
        key: $__id
    input: _echo(value: {
      status: draft,
      title: $__transformedRawTitle,
      slug: $__transformedSlug,
      excerpt: $__transformedRawExcerpt,
      contentAs: {
        html: $__transformedRawContent
        as: "createPostMutationInputs"
        type: LIST
mutation CreatePagesWithTranslationOnExternalSite
  @depends(on: "ExportMutationInputs")
  @include(if: $hasMasterPages)
  createExternalSitePageHTTPRequests: _echo(value: $createPostMutationInputs)
      passValueOnwardsAs: "input"
        name: "_sendGraphQLHTTPRequest"
        arguments: {
          input: {
            endpoint: $endpoint,
            query: """
mutation CreatePageFromMasterSite($input: JSONObject!) {
  createPage(input: $input) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    page {
            variables: [
                name: "input",
                value: $input
            options: {
              headers: [
                  name: "Authorization",
                  value: $authorizationHeaderValue
        setResultInResponse: true