MenuQueries LibraryDisplay all links in all postsDisplay all links in all postsThis query displays all links added to all posts. It finds all <a href="(...)">(...)</a> strings in all posts, and lists them down in the response as { href: (...), text: (...) }. query GetPostLinks { posts(pagination: { limit: -1 }) { id title # Get the post content, and identify the links rawContent @remove adaptedRawContent: _strRegexReplace( searchRegex: "#<a.*(?=href=\"([^\"]*)\")[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>#i", replaceWith: "*****|||||$1|||||$2*****", in: $__rawContent ) @remove # Extract the links into an object { href: ..., text: ...} links: _strSplit( string: $__adaptedRawContent, separator: "*****" ) @underEachArrayItem( passValueOnwardsAs: "entry" affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3] ) @applyField( name: "_strStartsWith" arguments: { search: "|||||" in: $entry } passOnwardsAs: "isMatch" ) @applyField( name: "_not" arguments: { value: $isMatch } passOnwardsAs: "isNotMatch" ) @if( condition: $isNotMatch ) @setNull @arrayFilter @underEachArrayItem( passValueOnwardsAs: "match" affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4] ) @applyField( name: "_strSplit" arguments: { separator: "|||||" string: $match } passOnwardsAs: "matchSplit" ) @applyField( name: "_arrayItem" arguments: { array: $matchSplit position: 1 } passOnwardsAs: "matchHref" ) @applyField( name: "_arrayItem" arguments: { array: $matchSplit position: 2 } passOnwardsAs: "matchText" ) @applyField( name: "_echo" arguments: { value: { href: $matchHref text: $matchText } } setResultInResponse: true ) } }CopyPrevCreate thousands of redemption codes for AppSumo in LemonSqueezyNextDisplay different content to different users
This query displays all links added to all posts. It finds all <a href="(...)">(...)</a> strings in all posts, and lists them down in the response as { href: (...), text: (...) }. query GetPostLinks { posts(pagination: { limit: -1 }) { id title # Get the post content, and identify the links rawContent @remove adaptedRawContent: _strRegexReplace( searchRegex: "#<a.*(?=href=\"([^\"]*)\")[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>#i", replaceWith: "*****|||||$1|||||$2*****", in: $__rawContent ) @remove # Extract the links into an object { href: ..., text: ...} links: _strSplit( string: $__adaptedRawContent, separator: "*****" ) @underEachArrayItem( passValueOnwardsAs: "entry" affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3] ) @applyField( name: "_strStartsWith" arguments: { search: "|||||" in: $entry } passOnwardsAs: "isMatch" ) @applyField( name: "_not" arguments: { value: $isMatch } passOnwardsAs: "isNotMatch" ) @if( condition: $isNotMatch ) @setNull @arrayFilter @underEachArrayItem( passValueOnwardsAs: "match" affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4] ) @applyField( name: "_strSplit" arguments: { separator: "|||||" string: $match } passOnwardsAs: "matchSplit" ) @applyField( name: "_arrayItem" arguments: { array: $matchSplit position: 1 } passOnwardsAs: "matchHref" ) @applyField( name: "_arrayItem" arguments: { array: $matchSplit position: 2 } passOnwardsAs: "matchText" ) @applyField( name: "_echo" arguments: { value: { href: $matchHref text: $matchText } } setResultInResponse: true ) } }Copy