Queries LibraryDisplay all links in all posts
Display all links in all posts
This query displays all links added to all posts.
It finds all <a href="(...)">(...)</a>
strings in all posts, and lists them down in the response as { href: (...), text: (...) }
query GetPostLinks {
posts(pagination: { limit: -1 }) {
# Get the post content, and identify the links
adaptedRawContent: _strRegexReplace(
searchRegex: "#<a.*(?=href=\"([^\"]*)\")[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>#i",
replaceWith: "*****|||||$1|||||$2*****",
in: $__rawContent
# Extract the links into an object { href: ..., text: ...}
links: _strSplit(
string: $__adaptedRawContent,
separator: "*****"
passValueOnwardsAs: "entry"
affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3]
name: "_strStartsWith"
arguments: {
search: "|||||"
in: $entry
passOnwardsAs: "isMatch"
name: "_not"
arguments: {
value: $isMatch
passOnwardsAs: "isNotMatch"
condition: $isNotMatch
passValueOnwardsAs: "match"
affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4]
name: "_strSplit"
arguments: {
separator: "|||||"
string: $match
passOnwardsAs: "matchSplit"
name: "_arrayItem"
arguments: {
array: $matchSplit
position: 1
passOnwardsAs: "matchHref"
name: "_arrayItem"
arguments: {
array: $matchSplit
position: 2
passOnwardsAs: "matchText"
name: "_echo"
arguments: {
value: {
href: $matchHref
text: $matchText
setResultInResponse: true