Queries Library
Queries LibrarySend an email to the admin notifying of a new post

Send an email to the admin notifying of a new post

This query sends an email to the admin user, notifying of the creation of a new post on the site:

query GetPostAndExportData($postId: ID!) {
  post(by: { id: $postId }, status: any) {
    content @export(as: "postContent")
    title @export(as: "postTitle")
    url @export(as: "postURL")
query GetEmailData
  @depends(on: "GetPostAndExportData")
  adminEmail: optionValue(name: "admin_email")
    @export(as: "adminEmail")
  emailMessageTemplate: _strConvertMarkdownToHTML(
    text: """
There is a [new post on the site]({$postURL}):
  emailMessage: _strReplaceMultiple(
    search: ["{$postTitle}", "{$postContent}", "{$postURL}"],
    replaceWith: [$postTitle, $postContent, $postURL],
    in: $__emailMessageTemplate
    @export(as: "emailMessage")
  emailSubject: _sprintf(
    string: "New post: \"%s\"",
    values: [$postTitle]
    @export(as: "emailSubject")
mutation SendEmailToAdminAboutNewPost @depends(on: "GetEmailData") {
    input: {
      to: $adminEmail
      subject: $emailSubject
      messageAs: {
        html: $emailMessage
  ) {