Queries Library
Queries LibrarySync tags and categories for Polylang

Sync tags and categories for Polylang

This GraphQL query is an integration for the Polylang plugin (and also Polylang PRO).

This query requires the endpoint to have Nested Mutations enabled.

It takes an origin post, queries its tags and categories, and updates its translation posts with the corresponding tags and categories for the corresponding language, as set-up via Polylang. If some tag or category does not have a translation, that tag or category is removed.

All translation posts must have the draft status to be updated. To update posts with any other status, use variable $statusToUpdate (for instance, passing value publish, pending or any).

By default, the origin post must have the default language of the site, or the update will not be executed. To trigger the update from any language, pass variable $triggerUpdateFromDefaultLanguageOnly with false.

# Variables:
#   - postId: The post with the origin language, from where to trigger the updates
#   - statusToUpdate: The status that the translation posts must have to be updated. It is `draft` by default. Pass `any` for any status.
#   - triggerUpdateFromDefaultLanguageOnly: Indicate if to only execute the update when the origin post has the default language of the site. It is `true` by default.
# *********************************************************************
# === Description ===
# This Persisted GraphQL query is an integration for Polylang.
# It takes an origin post, queries its tags and categories,
# and updates its translation posts with the corresponding
# tags and categories for the corresponding language,
# as set-up via Polylang. If some tag or category does not
# have a translation, that tag or category is removed.
# All translation posts must have the  `draft` status
# to be updated. To update posts with any other status, use
# variable `$statusToUpdate` (for instance, passing value
# `publish`, `pending` or `any`)
# By default, the origin post must have the default language
# of the site, or the update will not be executed.
# To trigger the update from any language, pass variable
# `$triggerUpdateFromDefaultLanguageOnly` with `false`.
query InitializeVariables
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
  emptyString: _echo(value: null)
    @export(as: "fromLanguage")
  emptyBool: _echo(value: false)
    @export(as: "executeUpdate")
    @export(as: "hasOriginPostTranslationPosts")
  emptyArray: _echo(value: [])
    @export(as: "originPostTranslationPostIds")
    @export(as: "originPostTagIDs")
    @export(as: "originPostCategoryIDs")
  emptyJSON: _echo(value: {})
    @export(as: "tagIDTranslationLanguageIDs")
    @export(as: "categoryIDTranslationLanguageIDs")
query ExportDataFromOriginPost($postId: ID!)
  @depends(on: "InitializeVariables")
  defaultLanguage: polylangDefaultLanguage {
    code @export(as: "defaultLanguage")
  languages: polylangLanguages {
    code @export(
      as: "languageLocaleCodes"
      type: DICTIONARY
  originPost: post(by: { id: $postId }, status: any) {
    polylangLanguage {
      code @export(as: "fromLanguage")
    translationPostIds: _objectValues(object: $__polylangTranslationLanguageIDs)
      @export(as: "originPostTranslationPostIds")
    hasTranslationPosts: _notEmpty(value: $__translationPostIds)
      @export(as: "hasOriginPostTranslationPosts")
    tags @export(as: "originPostTagIDs") {
      polylangLanguage {
          as: "tagIDTranslationLanguageIDs",
          type: DICTIONARY
    categories @export(as: "originPostCategoryIDs") {
      polylangLanguage {
          as: "categoryIDTranslationLanguageIDs",
          type: DICTIONARY
query ExportTranslationPostLanguages(
  $statusToUpdate: CustomPostStatusEnum! = draft
  @depends(on: "ExportDataFromOriginPost")
  @include(if: $hasOriginPostTranslationPosts)
  translationPostLanguages: posts(filter: { ids: $originPostTranslationPostIds, status: $statusToUpdate } ) {
    polylangLanguage @export(
      as: "translationPostLanguages"
      type: DICTIONARY
    ) {
query FilterTranslationPostsToUpdate(
  $statusToUpdate: CustomPostStatusEnum! = draft
  $triggerUpdateFromDefaultLanguageOnly: Boolean! = true
  @depends(on: "ExportTranslationPostLanguages")
  @include(if: $hasOriginPostTranslationPosts)
  translationPosts: posts(filter: { ids: $originPostTranslationPostIds, status: $statusToUpdate } ) {
    polylangLanguageCode: _objectProperty(
      object: $translationPostLanguages,
      by: { key: $__id }
    polylangLanguage: _objectProperty(
      object: $languageLocaleCodes,
      by: { key: $__polylangLanguageCode }
    translationPostTagIDs: _echo(value: $__polylangLanguage)
      @passOnwards(as: "lang")
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: { value: $originPostTagIDs }
        setResultInResponse: true
        passValueOnwardsAs: "tagID"
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2]
          name: "_objectProperty"
          arguments: {
            object: $tagIDTranslationLanguageIDs,
            by: { key: $tagID }
          passOnwardsAs: "tagTranslationLanguageIDs"
          name: "_objectProperty"
          arguments: {
            object: $tagTranslationLanguageIDs,
            by: { key: $lang },
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
          setResultInResponse: true
        as: "translationPostTagIDs",
        type: DICTIONARY
    translationPostCategoryIDs: _echo(value: $__polylangLanguage)
      @passOnwards(as: "lang")
        name: "_echo"
        arguments: { value: $originPostCategoryIDs }
        setResultInResponse: true
        passValueOnwardsAs: "categoryID"
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2]
          name: "_objectProperty"
          arguments: {
            object: $categoryIDTranslationLanguageIDs,
            by: { key: $categoryID }
          passOnwardsAs: "categoryTranslationLanguageIDs"
          name: "_objectProperty"
          arguments: {
            object: $categoryTranslationLanguageIDs,
            by: { key: $lang },
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
          setResultInResponse: true
        as: "translationPostCategoryIDs",
        type: DICTIONARY
  hasTranslationPosts: _notEmpty(value: $__translationPosts)
  originPostHasDefaultLanguage: _equals(
    value1: $defaultLanguage,
    value2: $fromLanguage
  canTriggerUpdateFromOriginPost: _if(
    condition: $triggerUpdateFromDefaultLanguageOnly,
    then: $__originPostHasDefaultLanguage,
    else: true
  executeUpdate: _and(values: [
    @export(as: "executeUpdate")
mutation UpdateTagsAndCategoriesForTranslationPosts(
  $statusToUpdate: CustomPostStatusEnum! = draft
  @depends(on: "FilterTranslationPostsToUpdate")
  @include(if: $executeUpdate)
  updateTranslationPosts: posts(filter: { ids: $originPostTranslationPostIds, status: $statusToUpdate } )
    polylangLanguage {
    tagIDs: _objectProperty(
      object: $translationPostTagIDs,
      by: { key: $__id }
    categoryIDs: _objectProperty(
      object: $translationPostCategoryIDs,
      by: { key: $__id }
    setTags(input: {
      tagsBy: {
        ids: $__tagIDs
      append: false
    }) {
      errors {
        ...on ErrorPayload {
      post {
        tags {
          polylangLanguage {
    setCategories(input: {
      categoriesBy: {
        ids: $__categoryIDs
      append: false
    }) {
      errors {
        ...on ErrorPayload {
      post {
        categories {
          polylangLanguage {