Queries Library
Queries LibraryReplace the domain for all image blocks in a post (to use a CDN)

Replace the domain for all image blocks in a post (to use a CDN)

This query modifies the URL of images in the core/image blocks in a post, replacing mysite.com (provided via variable $domain) to cdn.mysite.com (provided via variable $cdnDomain), as to start serving those assets from a CDN.

query InitializeEmptyVariables {
  emptyArray: _echo(value: [])
    @export(as: "coreImageURLItems")
    @export(as: "coreImageURLReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreImageURLReplacementsTo")
# Extract all the image URLs from the `core/image` blocks, and export them under `$coreImageURLItems`
query FetchData(
  $postID: ID!
  $domain: String!
  $cdnDomain: String!
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
  @depends(on: "InitializeEmptyVariables")
  post(by: { id: $postID }, status: any ) {
      @export(as: "rawContent")
    coreImage: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/image" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
            by: { key: "url" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreImageURLItems"
  searchRegex: _sprintf(
    string: "#^https?://%s/(.*)\\.(jpe?g|png|gif|avif|webp)$#",
    values: [$domain]
    @export(as: "searchRegex")
  replaceWith: _sprintf(
    string: "https://%s/$1.$2",
    values: [$cdnDomain]
    @export(as: "replaceWith")
# Convert the URLs and place the results under `$transformations`
query TransformData
  @depends(on: "FetchData")
  transformations: _echo(value: {
    coreImageURL: {
      from: $coreImageURLItems,
      to: $coreImageURLItems,
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "to" })
            searchRegex: $searchRegex,
            replaceWith: $replaceWith
    @export(as: "transformations")
# Escape the regex patterns and their replacements
query EscapeRegexStrings
  @depends(on: "TransformData")
  escapedRegexStrings: _echo(value: $transformations)
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "from" })
        by: { key: "to" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
            searchRegex: "#\\$(\\d+)#",
            replaceWith: "\\\\\\$1"
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "$1%s$2",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "escapedRegexTransformations")
# Generate the regex patterns, and assign them to `$coreImageURLReplacementsFrom`
query CreateRegexReplacements
  @depends(on: "EscapeRegexStrings")
  regexReplacements: _echo(value: $escapedRegexTransformations)
      by: { key: "coreImageURL" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:image .*?-->\\n?.*<img .*?src=\\\")%s(\\\".*>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:image -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreImageURLReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreImageURLReplacementsTo",
# Execute the regex search and replace, export the results under `$transformedRawContent`
query ExecuteRegexReplacements
  @depends(on: "CreateRegexReplacements")
  transformedRawContent: _echo(value: $rawContent)
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreImageURLReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreImageURLReplacementsTo
    @export(as: "transformedRawContent")
# Execute the mutation to update the post
mutation ReplaceDomainOnPostCoreImageBlocksToUseCDN($postID: ID!)
  @depends(on: "ExecuteRegexReplacements")
  updatePost(input: {
    id: $postID,
    contentAs: {
      html: $transformedRawContent
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {