Queries LibrarySend an email with dynamic data
Send an email with dynamic data
This query contains a message template with placeholders, and these are replaced with dynamic data before sending the email.
query GetPostData($postID: ID!) {
post(by: { id: $postID }, status: any ) {
title @export(as: "postTitle")
excerpt @export(as: "postExcerpt")
url @export(as: "postLink")
author {
name @export(as: "postAuthorName")
url @export(as: "postAuthorLink")
query GetEmailData @depends(on: "GetPostData") {
emailMessageTemplate: _strConvertMarkdownToHTML(
text: """
There is a new post by [{$postAuthorName}]({$postAuthorLink}):
**{$postTitle}**: {$postExcerpt}
[Read online]({$postLink})
emailMessage: _strReplaceMultiple(
search: ["{$postAuthorName}", "{$postAuthorLink}", "{$postTitle}", "{$postExcerpt}", "{$postLink}"],
replaceWith: [$postAuthorName, $postAuthorLink, $postTitle, $postExcerpt, $postLink],
in: $__emailMessageTemplate
@export(as: "emailMessage")
subject: _sprintf(string: "New post created by %s", values: [$postAuthorName])
@export(as: "emailSubject")
mutation SendEmailWithDynamicData @depends(on: "GetEmailData") {
input: {
to: "target@email.com"
subject: $emailSubject
messageAs: {
html: $emailMessage
) {