Queries LibraryCreate thousands of redemption codes for AppSumo in LemonSqueezy
Create thousands of redemption codes for AppSumo in LemonSqueezy
This query connects to the LemonSqueezy API and creates a hundred 100% discount codes at one go.
Execute this query multiple times to create the 10.000 codes required to run an AppSumo campaign.
You must provide:
- The access token to connect to the Lemon Squeezy API, via variable
- The Lemon Squeezy store, via variable
- The product(s) to be redeemed by that code, via variable
The generated discount code will be a random string. You can prepend a string to the code (via variable $codePrefix
), indicate how long the code will be (via variable $codeLength
), and customize the name of the discount code (via variables $discountNamePrefix
and $firstRecordNumber
) to search for it in the Lemon Squeezy dashboard.
Collect all the newly-created discount codes by providing a $postId
, then all codes will be appended at the end of that post.
query ExportLemonSqueezyAPIData(
$lemonSqueezyAccessToken: String!,
$variantIDs: [String!]!,
$postId: ID,
) {
bearerToken: _sprintf(
string: "Bearer %s",
values: [$lemonSqueezyAccessToken]
lemonSqueezyAPIHeaders: _echo(value: [
name: "Accept",
value: "application/vnd.api+json"
name: "Content-Type",
value: "application/vnd.api+json"
name: "Authorization",
value: $__bearerToken
@export(as: "lemonSqueezyAPIHeaders")
variants: _echo(value: $variantIDs)
passValueOnwardsAs: "variantID"
name: "_echo",
arguments: {
value: {
type: "variants",
id: $variantID,
setResultInResponse: true
@export(as: "variants")
hasPostId: _notEmpty(value: $postId)
@export(as: "hasPostId")
query CreateMutationInputs(
$storeID: String!,
$discountNamePrefix: String! = "AppSumo campaign",
$codePrefix: String! = "",
$numberCodes: Int! = 100,
$codeLength: Int! = 16,
$firstRecordNumber: Int! = 1,
$isTestMode: Boolean! = false,
@depends(on: "ExportLemonSqueezyAPIData")
mutationInputs: _arrayPad(array: [], length: $numberCodes, value: null)
passIndexOnwardsAs: "key"
affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
name: "_generateRandomString",
arguments: {
length: $codeLength,
passOnwardsAs: "randomCode"
name: "_strAppend",
arguments: {
after: $codePrefix,
append: $randomCode,
passOnwardsAs: "discountCode"
name: "_intAdd",
arguments: {
add: $key,
to: $firstRecordNumber,
passOnwardsAs: "recordNumber"
name: "_sprintf",
arguments: {
string: "%s #%s",
values: [$discountNamePrefix, $recordNumber],
passOnwardsAs: "discountName"
name: "_echo",
arguments: {
value: {
url: "https://api.lemonsqueezy.com/v1/discounts",
method: POST,
options: {
headers: $lemonSqueezyAPIHeaders
json: {
data: {
type: "discounts",
attributes: {
name: $discountName,
code: $discountCode,
amount: 100,
amount_type: "percent",
is_limited_to_products: true,
is_limited_redemptions: true,
max_redemptions: 1,
test_mode: $isTestMode,
relationships: {
store: {
data: {
type: "stores",
id: $storeID,
variants: {
data: $variants
setResultInResponse: true
@export(as: "mutationInputs")
query CreateDiscountCodesInLemonSqueezy
@depends(on: "CreateMutationInputs")
createDiscountCodesInLemonSqueezy: _sendJSONObjectItemHTTPRequests(inputs: $mutationInputs)
@underJSONObjectProperty(by: { path: "data.attributes.code" })
@export(as: "discountCodes")
query PrintDiscountCodesFromLemonSqueezy
@depends(on: "CreateDiscountCodesInLemonSqueezy")
discountCodes: _echo(value: $discountCodes)
query GetPostWithDiscountCodes($postId: ID)
@depends(on: "CreateDiscountCodesInLemonSqueezy")
@include(if: $hasPostId)
post(by: { id: $postId }, status: any) {
postContent: rawContent
discountCodesAsContent: _arrayJoin(
array: $discountCodes,
separator: "\n"
updatedPostContent: _sprintf(
string: "%s\n%s"
values: [$__postContent, $__discountCodesAsContent]
@export(as: "updatedPostContent")
mutation UpdatePostWithDiscountCodes($postId: ID)
@depends(on: "GetPostWithDiscountCodes")
@include(if: $hasPostId)
updatePost(input: {
id: $postId,
contentAs: { html: $updatedPostContent },
}) {
errors {
...on ErrorPayload {
post {