Queries Library
Queries LibraryTranslate multiple sentences using ChatGPT

Translate multiple sentences using ChatGPT

This query fetches the content from multiple posts, and translates those strings to any language using ChatGPT.

To connect to the OpenAI API, you must provide variable $openAIAPIKey with the API key.

You can override the $model variable ("gpt-4o-mini" by default) with the OpenAI model you desire to use.

query GetPostContent($limit: Int! = 5) {
  posts(pagination: {limit: $limit}, sort: {by: ID, order: ASC}) {
        as: "contentItems",
        type: LIST
query TranslateContentWithChatGPT(
  $fromLang: String!
  $toLang: String!
  $openAIAPIKey: String!
  $systemMessage: String! = "You are a language translator"
  $promptTemplate: String! = """
I'm working on internationalizing my application.
I've created a JSON with sentences in {$fromLang}. Please translate the sentences to {$toLang}. If a sentence contains HTML, do not translate inside the HTML tags.
This is the JSON:
  $model: String! = "gpt-4o-mini"
  @depends(on: "GetPostContent")
  contentItems: _echo(value: $contentItems)
  encodedContentItems: _arrayEncodeAsJSONString(array: $contentItems)
  prompt: _strReplaceMultiple(
    search: ["{$fromLang}", "{$toLang}", "{$encodedContentItems}"],
    replaceWith: [$fromLang, $toLang, $__encodedContentItems],
    in: $promptTemplate
  openAIResponse: _sendJSONObjectItemHTTPRequest(input: {
    url: "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
    method: POST,
    options: {
      auth: {
        password: $openAIAPIKey
      json: {
        model: $model,
        messages: [
            role: "system",
            content: $systemMessage
            role: "user",
            content: $__prompt
        response_format: {
          type: "json_schema",
          json_schema: {
            name: "translation_response",
            strict: true,
            schema: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                translations: {
                  type: "array",
                  items: {
                    type: "string"
              required: ["translations"],
              additionalProperties: false
    @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "choices" })
      @underArrayItem(index: 0)
        @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { path: "message.content" })
          @export(as: "jsonEncodedTranslatedContent")
query ExtractTranslatedContent
  @depends(on: "TranslateContentWithChatGPT")
  jsonEncodedTranslatedContent: _echo(value: $jsonEncodedTranslatedContent)
  decodedTranslatedContent: _strDecodeJSONObject(string: $jsonEncodedTranslatedContent)
  translatedContent: _objectProperty(
    object: $__decodedTranslatedContent,
    by: { key: "translations" }