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PHP Functions via Schema

PHP Functions via Schema

This extension adds fields and directives to the GraphQL schema which expose functionalities commonly found in programming languages (such as PHP).

This query, containing a variety of function fields and directives:

  _intAdd(add: 15, to: 56)
  _intArraySum(array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  _arrayJoin(array: ["Hello", "to", "everyone"], separator: " ")
  _arrayItem(array: ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"], position: 3)
  _arraySearch(array: ["uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco"], element: "tres")
  _arrayUnique(array: ["uno", "dos", "uno", "tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"])
  _arrayMerge(arrays: [["uno", "dos", "uno"], ["tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"]])
  _arrayDiff(arrays: [["uno", "dos"], ["tres", "cuatro", "dos"]])
  _arrayAddItem(array: ["uno", "dos"], value: "tres")
  _arraySetItem(array: ["uno", "dos"], index: 0, value: "tres")
  _arrayKeys(array: ["uno", "dos", "tres"])
  _arrayLength(array: ["uno", "dos", "tres"])
  _strRegexFindMatches(regex: "/https?:\\/\\/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})/", string: "In website there is more information")
  _strReplace(search: "https://", replaceWith: "http://", in: "")
  _strReplaceMultiple(search: ["https://", "gato"], replaceWith: ["http://", "dog"], in: "")
  _strRegexReplace(searchRegex: "/^https?:\\/\\//", replaceWith: "", in: "")
  _strRegexReplaceMultiple(searchRegex: ["/^https?:\\/\\//", "/([a-z]*)/"], replaceWith: ["", "$1$1"], in: "")
  _strStartsWith(search: "orld", in: "Hello world")
  _strEndsWith(search: "orld", in: "Hello world")
  _strUpperCase(text: "Hello world")
  _strLowerCase(text: "Hello world")
  _strTitleCase(text: "Hello world")
  falseToTrue: _echo(value: false) @boolOpposite
  trueToFalse: _echo(value: true) @boolOpposite
  plusOne: _echo(value: 2) @intAdd(number: 1)
  objectAddEntry: _echo(value: {
    user: "Leo",
    contact: {
      email: ""
    @objectAddEntry(key: "phone", value: "+0929094229", underPath: "contact")
    @objectAddEntry(key: "methods", value: {}, underPath: "contact")
    @objectAddEntry(key: "card", value: true, underPath: "contact.methods")
  upperCase: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strUpperCase
  lowerCase: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strLowerCase
  titleCase: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strTitleCase
  append: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strAppend(string: "!!!")
  prepend: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strPrepend(string: "!!!")
  arraySplice: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1)
  arraySpliceWithLength: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1, length: 1)
  arraySpliceWithReplacement: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1, replacement: ["cuatro", "cinco"])
  arraySpliceWithLengthAndReplacement: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1, length: 1, replacement: ["cuatro", "cinco"])
  arrayUnique: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "uno", "tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"]) @arrayUnique
  arrayMerge: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "uno"]) @arrayMerge(with: ["tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"])
  arrayDiff: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos"]) @arrayDiff (against: ["tres", "cuatro", "dos"])
  arrayFilter: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", null, "tres", "", "dos", []]) @arrayFilter
  objectKeepProperties: _echo(value: { user: "Leo", email: "" } )
      keys: ["user"]


  "data": {
    "_intAdd": 71,
    "_intArraySum": 15,
    "_arrayJoin": "Hello to everyone",
    "_arrayItem": "four",
    "_arraySearch": 2,
    "_arrayUnique": [
    "_arrayMerge": [
    "_arrayDiff": [
    "_arrayAddItem": [
    "_arraySetItem": [
    "_arrayKeys": [
    "_arrayLength": 3,
    "_strRegexFindMatches": [
    "_strReplace": "",
    "_strReplaceMultiple": "",
    "_strRegexReplace": "",
    "_strRegexReplaceMultiple": "gatographqlgatographql.comcom",
    "_strStartsWith": false,
    "_strEndsWith": true,
    "_strUpperCase": "HELLO WORLD",
    "_strLowerCase": "hello world",
    "_strTitleCase": "Hello World",
    "falseToTrue": true,
    "trueToFalse": false,
    "plusOne": 3,
    "objectAddEntry": {
      "user": "Leo",
      "contact": {
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+0929094229",
        "methods": {
          "card": true
    "upperCase": "HELLO WORLD",
    "lowerCase": "hello world",
    "titleCase": "Hello World",
    "append": "Hello world!!!",
    "prepend": "!!!Hello world",
    "arraySplice": [
    "arraySpliceWithLength": [
    "arraySpliceWithReplacement": [
    "arraySpliceWithLengthAndReplacement": [
    "arrayUnique": [
    "arrayMerge": [
    "arrayDiff": [
    "arrayFilter": [
    "objectKeepProperties": {
      "user": "Leo"