
Internal GraphQL Server

Execute GraphQL queries directly within your application, using PHP code.

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This extension installs an internal GraphQL Server, that can be invoked within your application, using PHP code.

The internal GraphQL server is accessed via class GatoGraphQL\InternalGraphQLServer\GraphQLServer, through these three methods:

  • executeQuery: Execute a GraphQL query
  • executeQueryInFile: Execute a GraphQL query contained in a (.gql) file
  • executePersistedQuery: Execute a persisted GraphQL query (providing its ID as an int, or slug as a string) (the Persisted Queries extension is required)

These are the method signatures:

namespace GatoGraphQL\InternalGraphQLServer;
use PoP\Root\HttpFoundation\Response;
class GraphQLServer {
   * Execute a GraphQL query
  public static function executeQuery(
    string $query,
    array $variables = [],
    ?string $operationName = null,
    int|string|null $schemaConfigurationIDOrSlug = null,
  ): Response {
    // ...
   * Execute a GraphQL query contained in a (`.gql`) file
  public static function executeQueryInFile(
    string $file,
    array $variables = [],
    ?string $operationName = null,
    int|string|null $schemaConfigurationIDOrSlug = null,
  ): Response {
    // ...
   * Execute a persisted GraphQL query (providing its object
   * of type WP_Post, ID as an int, or slug as a string)
  public static function executePersistedQuery(
    WP_Post|string|int $persistedQuery,
    array $variables = [],
    ?string $operationName = null
  ): Response {
    // ...

To execute a GraphQL query and obtain the response content:

use GatoGraphQL\InternalGraphQLServer\GraphQLServer;
// Provide the GraphQL query
$query = "{ ... }";
// Execute the query against the internal server
$response = GraphQLServer::executeQuery($query);
// Get the content and decode it
$responseContent = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
// Access the data and errors from the response
$responseData = $responseContent["data"] ?? [];
$responseErrors = $responseContent["errors"] ?? [];

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