Gato GraphQL translation and content sync demo

How to translate content without giving access to 3rd-party translators to the backend of your WordPress site, using InstaWP and Google Translate

Translate content using Google Translate, synchronize it to a provisional site to have 3rd-party translators fix the translation, and then synchronize the content back to the site.

Leonardo Losoviz
Leonardo Losoviz -
Target Image
Target Image

Let's say your website is a WordPress multisite, where every site is a translation to a different language, and you employ 3rd-party translators to translate the content.

At the same time, you'd like to avoid giving access to your WordPress site's backend to external workers.

You can use InstaWP together with Gato GraphQL, plus the integration with Google Translate, to provide for this use case.

This video demonstrates the translation workflow:

The workflow involves three websites:

  • The origin site (, containing the source of content in English
  • The provisional site (, created on InstaWP, for the translator to fix the translation
  • The translated site (, containing the content in Spanish

Let's see how it works

Step 1: Google Translate your post in the origin site

Publish the blog post in your origin WordPress site, and translate it to the desired language using Gato GraphQL + Google Translate.

Demo How to translate posts including blocks with the Google Translate API describes this use case with more details.

Create a persisted query containing the following GraphQL query, and give it title Translate post with blocks:

query InitializeEmptyVariables {
  emptyArray: _echo(value: [])
    @export(as: "coreHeadingContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreParagraphContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreImageAltItems")
    @export(as: "coreImageAltReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreImageAltReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreImageCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreButtonTextItems")
    @export(as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreTableCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreListItemContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreCoverAltItems")
    @export(as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreMediaTextAltItems")
    @export(as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreVerseContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreQuoteCitationItems")
    @export(as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteCitationItems")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteValueItems")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreAudioCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreVideoCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "corePreformattedContentItems")
    @export(as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreEmbedCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsTo")
query FetchData($postID: ID!)
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
  @depends(on: "InitializeEmptyVariables")
  post(by: { id: $postID } ) {
      @export(as: "title")
      @export(as: "rawContent")
    coreHeading: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/heading" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreHeadingContentItems"
    coreParagraph: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/paragraph" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreParagraphContentItems"
    coreImage: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/image" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
          affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3]
            by: { key: "alt" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreImageAltItems"
            by: { key: "caption" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreImageCaptionItems"
    coreButton: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/button" }
          by: { path: "attributes.text" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreButtonTextItems"
    coreTable: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/table" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
          affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3]
            by: { key: "caption" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreTableCaptionItems"
            by: { key: "body" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
                by: { key: "cells" }
                    by: { key: "content" }
                      as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentItems"
    coreListItem: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/list-item" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreListItemContentItems"
    coreCover: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/cover" }
          by: { path: "attributes.alt" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreCoverAltItems"
    coreMediaText: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/media-text" }
          by: { path: "attributes.mediaAlt" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreMediaTextAltItems"
    coreVerse: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/verse" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreVerseContentItems"
    coreQuote: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/quote" }
          by: { path: "attributes.citation" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreQuoteCitationItems"
    corePullquote: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/pullquote" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
          affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3]
            by: { key: "citation" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "corePullquoteCitationItems"
            by: { key: "value" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "corePullquoteValueItems"
    coreAudio: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/audio" }
          by: { path: "attributes.caption" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreAudioCaptionItems"
    coreVideo: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/video" }
          by: { path: "attributes.caption" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreVideoCaptionItems"
    corePreformatted: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/preformatted" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "corePreformattedContentItems"
    coreEmbed: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/embed" }
          by: { path: "attributes.caption" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreEmbedCaptionItems"
query TransformData(
  $translateToLang: String!
  @depends(on: "FetchData")
  transformations: _echo(value: {
    meta: {
      from: [""],
      to: [$title],
    coreHeadingContent: {
      from: $coreHeadingContentItems,
      to: $coreHeadingContentItems,
    coreParagraphContent: {
      from: $coreParagraphContentItems,
      to: $coreParagraphContentItems,
    coreImageAlt: {
      from: $coreImageAltItems,
      to: $coreImageAltItems,
    coreImageCaption: {
      from: $coreImageCaptionItems,
      to: $coreImageCaptionItems,
    coreButtonText: {
      from: $coreButtonTextItems
      to: $coreButtonTextItems
    coreTableCaption: {
      from: $coreTableCaptionItems,
      to: $coreTableCaptionItems,
    coreTableBodyCellsContent: {
      from: $coreTableBodyCellsContentItems,
      to: $coreTableBodyCellsContentItems,
    coreListItemContent: {
      from: $coreListItemContentItems,
      to: $coreListItemContentItems,
    coreCoverAlt: {
      from: $coreCoverAltItems,
      to: $coreCoverAltItems,
    coreMediaTextAlt: {
      from: $coreMediaTextAltItems,
      to: $coreMediaTextAltItems,
    coreVerseContent: {
      from: $coreVerseContentItems,
      to: $coreVerseContentItems,
    coreQuoteCitation: {
      from: $coreQuoteCitationItems,
      to: $coreQuoteCitationItems,
    corePullquoteCitation: {
      from: $corePullquoteCitationItems,
      to: $corePullquoteCitationItems,
    corePullquoteValue: {
      from: $corePullquoteValueItems,
      to: $corePullquoteValueItems,
    coreAudioCaption: {
      from: $coreAudioCaptionItems,
      to: $coreAudioCaptionItems,
    coreVideoCaption: {
      from: $coreVideoCaptionItems,
      to: $coreVideoCaptionItems,
    corePreformattedContent: {
      from: $corePreformattedContentItems,
      to: $corePreformattedContentItems,
    coreEmbedCaption: {
      from: $coreEmbedCaptionItems,
      to: $coreEmbedCaptionItems,
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "to" })
          @strTranslate(to: $translateToLang)
    @export(as: "transformations")
query EscapeRegexStrings
  @depends(on: "TransformData")
  escapedRegexStrings: _echo(value: $transformations)
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "from" })
      filter: {
        by: {
          excludeKeys: "meta"
        by: { key: "to" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
            searchRegex: "#\\$(\\d+)#",
            replaceWith: "\\\\\\$1"
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "$1%s$2",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "escapedRegexTransformations")
query CreateRegexReplacements
  @depends(on: "EscapeRegexStrings")
  regexReplacements: _echo(value: $escapedRegexTransformations)
      by: { key: "coreHeadingContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:heading .*?-->\\n?<h[1-6] ?.*?>)%s(</h[1-6]>\\n?<!-- /wp:heading -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreParagraphContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:paragraph .*?-->\\n?<p ?.*?>)%s(</p>\\n?<!-- /wp:paragraph -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreImageAlt" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:image .*?-->\\n?.*<img .*?alt=\\\")%s(\\\".*>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:image -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreImageAltReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreImageAltReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreImageCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:image .*?-->\\n?.*<figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:image -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreButtonText" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:button .*?-->\\n?.*<a ?.*?>)%s(</a>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:button -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreTableCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:table .*?-->\\n?.*<figcaption ?.*?>.*)%s(.*</figcaption>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:table -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreTableBodyCellsContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:table .*?-->\\n?.*<table ?.*?>.*)%s(.*</table>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:table -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreListItemContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:list-item .*?-->\\n?<li ?.*?>)%s(</li>\\n?<!-- /wp:list-item -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreCoverAlt" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:cover .*?-->\\n?.*<img .*?alt=\\\")%s(\\\".*>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:cover -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreMediaTextAlt" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:media-text .*?-->\\n?<div .*><figure .*><img .*?alt=\\\")%s(\\\")#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreVerseContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:verse .*?-->\\n?<pre ?.*?>)%s(</pre>\\n?<!-- /wp:verse -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreQuoteCitation" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:quote .*?-->\\n?<blockquote ?.*?>.*<cite ?.*?>)%s(</cite></blockquote>\\n?<!-- /wp:quote -->)#s",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "corePullquoteCitation" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:pullquote .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><blockquote ?.*?><p ?.*?>.*</p><cite ?.*?>)%s(</cite></blockquote></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:pullquote -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "corePullquoteValue" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:pullquote .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><blockquote ?.*?><p ?.*?>)%s(</p>(?:<cite ?.*?>.*</cite>)?</blockquote></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:pullquote -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreAudioCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:audio .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><audio ?.*?>.*</audio><figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:audio -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreVideoCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:video .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><video ?.*?>.*</video><figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:video -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "corePreformattedContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:preformatted .*?-->\\n?<pre ?.*?>)%s(</pre>\\n?<!-- /wp:preformatted -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreEmbedCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:embed .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><div ?.*?>.*</div><figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:embed -->)#s",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsTo",
query ExecuteRegexReplacements
  @depends(on: "CreateRegexReplacements")
  transformedRawContent: _echo(value: $rawContent)
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreHeadingContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreHeadingContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreParagraphContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreParagraphContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreImageAltReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreImageAltReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreImageCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreImageCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreButtonTextReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreButtonTextReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreTableCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreTableCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreListItemContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreListItemContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreCoverAltReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreCoverAltReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreMediaTextAltReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreMediaTextAltReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreVerseContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreVerseContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreQuoteCitationReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreQuoteCitationReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $corePullquoteCitationReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $corePullquoteCitationReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $corePullquoteValueReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $corePullquoteValueReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreAudioCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreAudioCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreVideoCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreVideoCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $corePreformattedContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $corePreformattedContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsTo
    @export(as: "transformedRawContent")
query PrepareMetaReplacements
  @depends(on: "TransformData")
  transformedMeta: _objectProperty(
    object: $transformations,
    by: { path: "" }
    @underArrayItem(index: 0)
      @export(as: "transformedTitle")
mutation TranslatePost($postID: ID!)
  @depends(on: [
]) {
  updatePost(input: {
    id: $postID,
    title: $transformedTitle,
    contentAs: {
      html: $transformedRawContent
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {

Execute the persisted query providing the JSON dictionary with GraphQL variables:

  • postID: The ID of the post to translate
  • translateToLang: the language code to translate to

For instance:

  "postID": 40,
  "translateToLang": "es"

The origin site will now contain the Google-Translated post as a duplicate from the original, with draft status. We need now to move it to the provisional site.

Step 2: Copy the post from the origin site to the provisional site

Create a persisted query containing the following GraphQL query, and give it title Export post to another WordPress site:

query CheckHasPost($postSlug: String!)
  post(by: { slug: $postSlug }, status: any)
      message: "There is no post in the upstream site with the provided slug"
      data: {
        slug: $postSlug
      @export(as: "postTitle")
      @export(as: "postContent")
  isMissingPostInUpstream: _isNull(value: $__post)
    @export(as: "isMissingPostInUpstream")
query ExportDownstreamGraphQLQuery
  @depends(on: "CheckHasPost")
  @skip(if: $isMissingPostInUpstream)
  query: _echo(value: """
mutation LoginUserAndUpdatePost(
  $update: Boolean! = false
  $username: String!
  $userPassword: String!
  $postSlug: String!
  $postTitle: String!
  $postContent: String!
) {
  loginUser(by: {
    credentials: {
      usernameOrEmail: $username,
      password: $userPassword
  }) {
  post(by: { slug: $postSlug }, status: any)
    @include(if: $update)
    update(input: {
      title: $postTitle,
      contentAs: { html: $postContent },
    }) {
      errors {
        ...on ErrorPayload {
      post {
  createPost(input: {
    title: $postTitle,
    slug: $postSlug,
    contentAs: { html: $postContent },
    status: draft
    @skip(if: $update)
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {
    @export(as: "query")
query ExportPostToWPSite(
  $downstreamServerGraphQLEndpointURL: String!
  $update: Boolean! = false
  $username: String!
  $userPassword: String!
  $postSlug: String!
  @depends(on: "ExportDownstreamGraphQLQuery")
  @skip(if: $isMissingPostInUpstream)
    input: {
      endpoint: $downstreamServerGraphQLEndpointURL,
      query: $query,
      variables: [
          name: "update",
          value: $update
          name: "username",
          value: $username
          name: "userPassword",
          value: $userPassword
          name: "postSlug",
          value: $postSlug
          name: "postTitle",
          value: $postTitle
          name: "postContent",
          value: $postContent

This persisted query will export the post from the origin site to the provisional site. Execute it, providing the JSON dictionary with the needed GraphQL variables:

  "downstreamServerGraphQLEndpointURL": "{ Gato GraphQL public endpoint on provisional site, with the 'nested mutations' feature enabled. Eg: }",
  "username": "{ Username on the provisional site, with `create_posts` capability }",
  "userPassword": "{ Password for that username }",
  "postSlug": "{ The slug of the post to sync }"

The provisional site will now contain the Google-Translated post.

Step 3: Have the 3rd-party workers fix the translation

You can now ask the translator to log-in to the provisional site and fix the translation, directly within the WordPress editor.

Fixing translation in the WordPress editor
Fixing translation in the WordPress editor

When the translation is completed, we must synchronize it to the translated site.

Step 4: Copy the post from the provisional site to the translated site

Log-in to the translated site and create a persisted query containing the following GraphQL query, with title Import post from another WordPress site:

query InitializeDynamicVariables
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
  initVariablesWithFalse: _echo(value: false)
    @export(as: "requestProducedErrors")
    @export(as: "responseHasErrors")
    @export(as: "postIsMissing")
    @export(as: "postHasAuthor")
    @export(as: "postHasFeaturedImage")
    @export(as: "postHasCategories")
    @export(as: "postHasTags")
  initVariablesWithNull: _echo(value: null)
    @export(as: "existingAuthorUsername")
    @export(as: "existingFeaturedImageSlug")
    @export(as: "featuredImageMutationInput")
  initVariablesWithEmptyArray: _echo(value: [])
    @export(as: "existingCategorySlugs")
    @export(as: "existingTagSlugs")
query CheckIfPostExistsLocally($postSlug: String!)
  @depends(on: "InitializeDynamicVariables")
  localPost: post(
    by: { slug: $postSlug }
    status: any
  ) {
  postAlreadyExists: _notNull(value: $__localPost)
    @export(as: "postAlreadyExists")
query FailIfPostAlreadyExistsLocally($postSlug: String!)
  @depends(on: "CheckIfPostExistsLocally")
  @include(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  errorMessage: _sprintf(
    string: "Post with slug '%s' already exists locally",
    values: [$postSlug]
  ) @remove
    message: $__errorMessage
    data: {
      slug: $postSlug
  ) @remove
  createPost: _echo(value: null)
query ConnectToGraphQLAPI(
  $upstreamServerGraphQLEndpointURL: String!
  $postSlug: String!
  @depends(on: "FailIfPostAlreadyExistsLocally")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  externalData: _sendGraphQLHTTPRequest(input:{
    endpoint: $upstreamServerGraphQLEndpointURL,
    query: """
query GetPost($postSlug: String!) {
  post(by: { slug: $postSlug }, status: any) {
    author {
    featuredImage {
    categories {
    tags {
    variables: [
        name: "postSlug",
        value: $postSlug
    @export(as: "externalData")
  requestProducedErrors: _isNull(value: $__externalData)
    @export(as: "requestProducedErrors")
query ValidateResponse
  @depends(on: "ConnectToGraphQLAPI")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  responseHasErrors: _propertyIsSetInJSONObject(
    object: $externalData
    by: {
      key: "errors"
    @export(as: "responseHasErrors")
  postExists: _propertyIsSetInJSONObject(
    object: $externalData
    by: {
      path: ""
  postIsMissing: _not(value: $__postExists)
    @export(as: "postIsMissing")
query FailIfResponseHasErrors
  @depends(on: "ValidateResponse")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  @include(if: $responseHasErrors)
  errors: _objectProperty(
    object: $externalData,
    by: {
      key: "errors"
  ) @remove
    message: "Executing the GraphQL query against the upstream webserver produced error(s)"
    data: {
      errors: $__errors
  ) @remove
  createPost: _echo(value: null)
query FailIfPostNotExists($postSlug: String!)
  @depends(on: "FailIfResponseHasErrors")
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @include(if: $postIsMissing)
  errorMessage: _sprintf(
    string: "There is no post with slug '%s' in the origin",
    values: [$postSlug]
  ) @remove
    message: $__errorMessage
    data: {
      slug: $postSlug
  ) @remove
  createPost: _echo(value: null)
query ExportInputs
  @depends(on: "FailIfPostNotExists")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $responseHasErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  postData: _objectProperty(
    object: $externalData,
    by: { path: "" }
  ) @remove
  postTitle: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "rawTitle" }
    @export(as: "postTitle")
  postContent: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "rawContent" }
    @export(as: "postContent")
  postExcerpt: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "rawExcerpt" }
    @export(as: "postExcerpt")
  postAuthorUsername: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "author" }
      as: "author"
      name: "_notNull",
      arguments: {
        value: $author
      passOnwardsAs: "hasAuthor"
    @if(condition: $hasAuthor)
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $author,
          by: { key: "username" }
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "postAuthorUsername")
  postHasAuthor: _notNull(
    value: $__postAuthorUsername
    @export(as: "postHasAuthor")
  postFeaturedImageSlug: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "featuredImage" }
      as: "featuredImage"
      name: "_notNull",
      arguments: {
        value: $featuredImage
      passOnwardsAs: "hasFeaturedImage"
    @if(condition: $hasFeaturedImage)
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $featuredImage,
          by: { key: "slug" }
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "postFeaturedImageSlug")
  postHasFeaturedImage: _notNull(
    value: $__postFeaturedImageSlug
    @export(as: "postHasFeaturedImage")
  postCategorySlugs: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "categories" }
      passValueOnwardsAs: "category"
        name: "_objectProperty"
        arguments: {
          object: $category,
          by: {
            key: "slug"
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "postCategorySlugs")
  postHasCategories: _notEmpty(
    value: $__postCategorySlugs
    @export(as: "postHasCategories")
  postTagSlugs: _objectProperty(
    object: $__postData,
    by: { key: "tags" }
      passValueOnwardsAs: "tag"
        name: "_objectProperty"
        arguments: {
          object: $tag,
          by: {
            key: "slug"
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "postTagSlugs")
  postHasTags: _notEmpty(
    value: $__postTagSlugs
    @export(as: "postHasTags")
query ExportExistingResources
  @depends(on: "ExportInputs")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $responseHasErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  existingAuthorByUsername: user(by: { username: $postAuthorUsername })
    @include(if: $postHasAuthor)
    username @export(as: "existingAuthorUsername")
  existingFeaturedImageBySlug: mediaItem(by: { slug: $postFeaturedImageSlug })
    @include(if: $postHasFeaturedImage)
    slug @export(as: "existingFeaturedImageSlug")
  existingCategoriesBySlug: postCategories(filter: { slugs: $postCategorySlugs })
    @include(if: $postHasCategories)
    slug @export(as: "existingCategorySlugs", type: LIST)
  existingTagsBySlug: postTags(filter: { slugs: $postTagSlugs })
    @include(if: $postHasTags)
    slug @export(as: "existingTagSlugs", type: LIST)
query ExportMissingResources
  @depends(on: "ExportExistingResources")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $responseHasErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  isAuthorMissing: _notEquals(
    value1: $postAuthorUsername,
    value2: $existingAuthorUsername
  ) @export(as: "isAuthorMissing")
  isFeaturedImageMissing: _notEquals(
    value1: $postFeaturedImageSlug,
    value2: $existingFeaturedImageSlug
  ) @export(as: "isFeaturedImageMissing")
  missingCategorySlugs: _arrayDiff(
    arrays: [$postCategorySlugs, $existingCategorySlugs]
  ) @export(as: "missingCategorySlugs")
  areCategoriesMissing: _notEmpty(
    value: $__missingCategorySlugs
  ) @export(as: "areCategoriesMissing")
  # missingTagSlugs: _arrayDiff(
  #   arrays: [$postTagSlugs, $existingTagSlugs]
  # ) @export(as: "missingTagSlugs")
  # areTagsMissing: _notEmpty(
  #   value: $__missingTagSlugs
  # ) @export(as: "areTagsMissing")
  isAnyResourceMissing: _or(
    values: [
      # $__areTagsMissing,
  ) @export(as: "isAnyResourceMissing")
query FailIfAnyResourceIsMissing
  @depends(on: "ExportMissingResources")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  @skip(if: $responseHasErrors)
  @include(if: $isAnyResourceMissing)
  performingValidations: id
    @if(condition: $isAuthorMissing)
        message: "Author is missing in local site"
        data: {
          missingAuthorByUsername: $postAuthorUsername
        condition: ALWAYS
    @if(condition: $isFeaturedImageMissing)
        message: "Featured image is missing in local site"
        data: {
          missingFeaturedImageBySlug: $postFeaturedImageSlug
        condition: ALWAYS
    @if(condition: $areCategoriesMissing)
        message: "Categories are missing in local site"
        data: {
          missingCategoriesBySlug: $missingCategorySlugs
        condition: ALWAYS
    # @if(condition: $areTagsMissing)
    #   @fail(
    #     message: "Tags are missing in local site"
    #     data: {
    #       missingTagBySlug: $missingTagSlugs
    #     }
    #     condition: ALWAYS
    #   )
  createPost: _echo(value: null)
query ExportMutationInputs
  @depends(on: "FailIfAnyResourceIsMissing")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $responseHasErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  @skip(if: $isAnyResourceMissing)
  featuredImageMutationInput: _echo(value: {
    slug: $postFeaturedImageSlug
    @include(if: $postHasFeaturedImage)
    @export(as: "featuredImageMutationInput")
mutation ImportPostFromWPSite(
  $postSlug: String!
  @depends(on: "ExportMutationInputs")
  @skip(if: $postAlreadyExists)
  @skip(if: $requestProducedErrors)
  @skip(if: $responseHasErrors)
  @skip(if: $postIsMissing)
  @skip(if: $isAnyResourceMissing)
  createPost(input: {
    status: draft,
    slug: $postSlug
    title: $postTitle
    contentAs: {
      html: $postContent
    excerpt: $postExcerpt
    authorBy: {
      username: $postAuthorUsername
    featuredImageBy: $featuredImageMutationInput,
    categoriesBy: {
      slugs: $postCategorySlugs
    tagsBy: {
      slugs: $postTagSlugs
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {
      author {
      featuredImage {
      categories {
      tags {

This persisted query will import the post from the provisional site to the translated site. Execute it, providing the JSON dictionary with the needed GraphQL variables:

  "upstreamServerGraphQLEndpointURL": "{ Gato GraphQL public endpoint on translated site. Eg: }",
  "postSlug": "{ The slug of the translated post to sync }"

The translated site will now contain the Google-Translated post, and no access was ever given to the 3rd-party translators.

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