Gato GraphQL automation demo

How to automatically register users who completed a course from MasterStudy LMS on AirTable

Whenever a user completes a course from MasterStudy LMS on the WordPress site, send custom data (concerning the user and course) to AirTable and create records on a specified table.

Leonardo Losoviz
Leonardo Losoviz -
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Target Image
Target Image

Whenever a user completes a course from MasterStudy LMS, we will send custom data to AirTable, and create records on a specified table.

In this video, the user completes two lessons from a course from the LMS. When the last lesson on the course is completed, a Gato GraphQL automation will create a record in AirTable with the required data:

The table has columns Name, ProfileURL and Email with data from the user, and Course from the LMS.

Table in AirTable with LMS data
Table in AirTable with LMS data

Create a persisted query containing the following GraphQL query, and give it title Export MasterStudy LMS course data to AirTable:

query IsCourseFinished(
  $courseProgress: Int!  
) {
  isCourseFinished: _equals(value1: $courseProgress, value2: 100)
    @export(as: "isCourseFinished")
query ExportUserData(
  $courseId: ID!
  $userId: ID!
  @depends(on: "IsCourseFinished")
  @include(if: $isCourseFinished)
  user(by: { id: $userId }) {
      @export(as: "userDisplayName")
      @export(as: "userEmail")
      @export(as: "userURL")
  course: customPost(by: {id: $courseId}, customPostTypes:["stm-courses"]) {
      @export(as: "courseTitle")
query CreateRecordInAirTable(
  $baseId: String!
  $tableName: String!
  $personalAccessToken: String!
  @depends(on: "ExportUserData")
  @include(if: $isCourseFinished)
  url: _sprintf(
    string: "",
    values: [$baseId, $tableName]
  bearerToken: _sprintf(
    string: "Bearer %s",
    values: [$personalAccessToken]
  response: _sendJSONObjectItemHTTPRequest(input: {
    url: $__url,
    method: POST,
    options: {
      headers: [
          name: "Authorization",
          value: $__bearerToken
      json: {
        records: [
            fields: {
              Name: $userDisplayName,
              ProfileURL: $userURL,
              Email: $userEmail,
              Course: $courseTitle

Notice how query IsCourseFinished checks if the course's progress is 100 (i.e. the course has been completed), and only then execute the data synchronization to AirTable.

The persisted query will receive the parameters from MasterStudy LMS' action hook stm_lms_progress_updated (see below), and retrieve the following data:

  • The user's name, email and URL
  • The courses's title

It will then connect to the AirTable API, and create the records with the provided data.

To connect to the API we need personal access tokens for authentication. So make sure to create a personal access token for your table, and assign it scope data.records:write.

Next, we create a new automation, providing MasterStudy's action stm_lms_progress_updated as the trigger.

This action hook provides the following data:

do_action( 'stm_lms_progress_updated', $course_id, $user_id, $progress );

We must also provide the JSON dictionary for the dynamic variables, to pass all three parameters from the action as variables to the GraphQL query:

  "courseId": 1,
  "userId": 2,
  "courseProgress": 3
Automation trigger
Automation trigger

For the action, we select the newly-created persisted query Export MasterStudy LMS course data to AirTable, and provide the JSON dictionary for the static GraphQL variables, with data from AirTable:

  "baseId": "{ your baseId }",
  "tableName": "{ your tableName }",
  "personalAccessToken": "{ your access token }"
Automation action
Automation action

Finally publish the automation. From now on, whenever the user completes a course, the AirTable table will be automatically populated, as is the result in the video above:

Table in AirTable with LMS data
Table in AirTable with LMS data

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