Gato GraphQL translation demo

How to translate posts including blocks with the Google Translate API

Translate a post to the desired language, with full support for (Gutenberg) blocks, by connecting to the Google Translate API.

Leonardo Losoviz
Leonardo Losoviz -
Target Image


We can use Gato GraphQL to translate posts using the Google Translate API, translating all the properties within the blocks in the post.

In this video, a post in English is open in the WordPress editor. When executing the GraphQL query, all properties for every block in the post are translated to Spanish:

Gato GraphQL provides directive @strTranslate, which connects to the Google Translate API to translate the value in the corresponding field.

Thanks to the ability to retrieve block data and extract all properties from within the block, we are able to translate block properties, insert them back into each block, and store the post back to the DB.

Create a persisted query containing the following GraphQL query, and give it title Translate post with blocks:

query InitializeEmptyVariables {
  emptyArray: _echo(value: [])
    @export(as: "coreHeadingContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreParagraphContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreImageAltItems")
    @export(as: "coreImageAltReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreImageAltReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreImageCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreButtonTextItems")
    @export(as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreTableCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreListItemContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreCoverAltItems")
    @export(as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreMediaTextAltItems")
    @export(as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreVerseContentItems")
    @export(as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreQuoteCitationItems")
    @export(as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteCitationItems")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteValueItems")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreAudioCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreVideoCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "corePreformattedContentItems")
    @export(as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsTo")
    @export(as: "coreEmbedCaptionItems")
    @export(as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsFrom")
    @export(as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsTo")
query FetchData($postID: ID!)
  @configureWarningsOnExportingDuplicateVariable(enabled: false)
  @depends(on: "InitializeEmptyVariables")
  post(by: { id: $postID } ) {
      @export(as: "title")
      @export(as: "rawContent")
    coreHeading: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/heading" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreHeadingContentItems"
    coreParagraph: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/paragraph" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreParagraphContentItems"
    coreImage: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/image" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
          affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3]
            by: { key: "alt" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreImageAltItems"
            by: { key: "caption" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreImageCaptionItems"
    coreButton: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/button" }
          by: { path: "attributes.text" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreButtonTextItems"
    coreTable: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/table" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
          affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3]
            by: { key: "caption" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "coreTableCaptionItems"
            by: { key: "body" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
                by: { key: "cells" }
                    by: { key: "content" }
                      as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentItems"
    coreListItem: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/list-item" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreListItemContentItems"
    coreCover: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/cover" }
          by: { path: "attributes.alt" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreCoverAltItems"
    coreMediaText: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/media-text" }
          by: { path: "attributes.mediaAlt" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreMediaTextAltItems"
    coreVerse: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/verse" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreVerseContentItems"
    coreQuote: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/quote" }
          by: { path: "attributes.citation" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreQuoteCitationItems"
    corePullquote: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/pullquote" }
          by: { key: "attributes" }
          affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3]
            by: { key: "citation" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "corePullquoteCitationItems"
            by: { key: "value" }
            failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
              as: "corePullquoteValueItems"
    coreAudio: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/audio" }
          by: { path: "attributes.caption" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreAudioCaptionItems"
    coreVideo: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/video" }
          by: { path: "attributes.caption" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreVideoCaptionItems"
    corePreformatted: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/preformatted" }
          by: { path: "attributes.content" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "corePreformattedContentItems"
    coreEmbed: blockFlattenedDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/embed" }
          by: { path: "attributes.caption" }
          failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false
            as: "coreEmbedCaptionItems"
query TransformData(
  $translateToLang: String!
  @depends(on: "FetchData")
  transformations: _echo(value: {
    meta: {
      from: [""],
      to: [$title],
    coreHeadingContent: {
      from: $coreHeadingContentItems,
      to: $coreHeadingContentItems,
    coreParagraphContent: {
      from: $coreParagraphContentItems,
      to: $coreParagraphContentItems,
    coreImageAlt: {
      from: $coreImageAltItems,
      to: $coreImageAltItems,
    coreImageCaption: {
      from: $coreImageCaptionItems,
      to: $coreImageCaptionItems,
    coreButtonText: {
      from: $coreButtonTextItems
      to: $coreButtonTextItems
    coreTableCaption: {
      from: $coreTableCaptionItems,
      to: $coreTableCaptionItems,
    coreTableBodyCellsContent: {
      from: $coreTableBodyCellsContentItems,
      to: $coreTableBodyCellsContentItems,
    coreListItemContent: {
      from: $coreListItemContentItems,
      to: $coreListItemContentItems,
    coreCoverAlt: {
      from: $coreCoverAltItems,
      to: $coreCoverAltItems,
    coreMediaTextAlt: {
      from: $coreMediaTextAltItems,
      to: $coreMediaTextAltItems,
    coreVerseContent: {
      from: $coreVerseContentItems,
      to: $coreVerseContentItems,
    coreQuoteCitation: {
      from: $coreQuoteCitationItems,
      to: $coreQuoteCitationItems,
    corePullquoteCitation: {
      from: $corePullquoteCitationItems,
      to: $corePullquoteCitationItems,
    corePullquoteValue: {
      from: $corePullquoteValueItems,
      to: $corePullquoteValueItems,
    coreAudioCaption: {
      from: $coreAudioCaptionItems,
      to: $coreAudioCaptionItems,
    coreVideoCaption: {
      from: $coreVideoCaptionItems,
      to: $coreVideoCaptionItems,
    corePreformattedContent: {
      from: $corePreformattedContentItems,
      to: $corePreformattedContentItems,
    coreEmbedCaption: {
      from: $coreEmbedCaptionItems,
      to: $coreEmbedCaptionItems,
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "to" })
          @strTranslate(to: $translateToLang)
    @export(as: "transformations")
query EscapeRegexStrings
  @depends(on: "TransformData")
  escapedRegexStrings: _echo(value: $transformations)
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { key: "from" })
      filter: {
        by: {
          excludeKeys: "meta"
        by: { key: "to" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
            searchRegex: "#\\$(\\d+)#",
            replaceWith: "\\\\\\$1"
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "$1%s$2",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "escapedRegexTransformations")
query CreateRegexReplacements
  @depends(on: "EscapeRegexStrings")
  regexReplacements: _echo(value: $escapedRegexTransformations)
      by: { key: "coreHeadingContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:heading .*?-->\\n?<h[1-6] ?.*?>)%s(</h[1-6]>\\n?<!-- /wp:heading -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreHeadingContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreParagraphContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:paragraph .*?-->\\n?<p ?.*?>)%s(</p>\\n?<!-- /wp:paragraph -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreParagraphContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreImageAlt" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:image .*?-->\\n?.*<img .*?alt=\\\")%s(\\\".*>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:image -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreImageAltReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreImageAltReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreImageCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:image .*?-->\\n?.*<figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:image -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreImageCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreButtonText" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:button .*?-->\\n?.*<a ?.*?>)%s(</a>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:button -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreButtonTextReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreTableCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:table .*?-->\\n?.*<figcaption ?.*?>.*)%s(.*</figcaption>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:table -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreTableCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreTableBodyCellsContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:table .*?-->\\n?.*<table ?.*?>.*)%s(.*</table>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:table -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreListItemContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:list-item .*?-->\\n?<li ?.*?>)%s(</li>\\n?<!-- /wp:list-item -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreListItemContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreCoverAlt" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:cover .*?-->\\n?.*<img .*?alt=\\\")%s(\\\".*>.*\\n?<!-- /wp:cover -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreCoverAltReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreMediaTextAlt" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:media-text .*?-->\\n?<div .*><figure .*><img .*?alt=\\\")%s(\\\")#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreMediaTextAltReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreVerseContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:verse .*?-->\\n?<pre ?.*?>)%s(</pre>\\n?<!-- /wp:verse -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreVerseContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreQuoteCitation" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:quote .*?-->\\n?<blockquote ?.*?>.*<cite ?.*?>)%s(</cite></blockquote>\\n?<!-- /wp:quote -->)#s",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreQuoteCitationReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "corePullquoteCitation" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:pullquote .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><blockquote ?.*?><p ?.*?>.*</p><cite ?.*?>)%s(</cite></blockquote></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:pullquote -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "corePullquoteCitationReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "corePullquoteValue" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:pullquote .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><blockquote ?.*?><p ?.*?>)%s(</p>(?:<cite ?.*?>.*</cite>)?</blockquote></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:pullquote -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "corePullquoteValueReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreAudioCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:audio .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><audio ?.*?>.*</audio><figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:audio -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreAudioCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreVideoCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:video .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><video ?.*?>.*</video><figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:video -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreVideoCaptionReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "corePreformattedContent" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:preformatted .*?-->\\n?<pre ?.*?>)%s(</pre>\\n?<!-- /wp:preformatted -->)#",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "corePreformattedContentReplacementsTo",
      by: { key: "coreEmbedCaption" }
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 5]
        by: { key: "from" }
        affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 3],
          passValueOnwardsAs: "value"
            name: "_sprintf",
            arguments: {
              string: "#(<!-- wp:embed .*?-->\\n?<figure ?.*?><div ?.*?>.*</div><figcaption ?.*?>)%s(</figcaption></figure>\\n?<!-- /wp:embed -->)#s",
              values: [$value]
            setResultInResponse: true
          as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsFrom",
        by: { key: "to" }
          as: "coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsTo",
query ExecuteRegexReplacements
  @depends(on: "CreateRegexReplacements")
  transformedRawContent: _echo(value: $rawContent)
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreHeadingContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreHeadingContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreParagraphContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreParagraphContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreImageAltReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreImageAltReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreImageCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreImageCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreButtonTextReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreButtonTextReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreTableCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreTableCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreTableBodyCellsContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreListItemContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreListItemContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreCoverAltReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreCoverAltReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreMediaTextAltReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreMediaTextAltReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreVerseContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreVerseContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreQuoteCitationReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreQuoteCitationReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $corePullquoteCitationReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $corePullquoteCitationReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $corePullquoteValueReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $corePullquoteValueReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreAudioCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreAudioCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreVideoCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreVideoCaptionReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $corePreformattedContentReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $corePreformattedContentReplacementsTo
      limit: 1,
      searchRegex: $coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsFrom,
      replaceWith: $coreEmbedCaptionReplacementsTo
    @export(as: "transformedRawContent")
query PrepareMetaReplacements
  @depends(on: "TransformData")
  transformedMeta: _objectProperty(
    object: $transformations,
    by: { path: "" }
    @underArrayItem(index: 0)
      @export(as: "transformedTitle")
mutation TranslatePost($postID: ID!)
  @depends(on: [
]) {
  updatePost(input: {
    id: $postID,
    title: $transformedTitle,
    contentAs: {
      html: $transformedRawContent
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {

This GraphQL query translates the post's title and content, supporting blocks of the following types:

  • core/heading
  • core/paragraph
  • core/image
  • core/button
  • core/table
  • core/list-item
  • core/cover
  • core/media-text
  • core/verse
  • core/quote
  • core/pullquote
  • core/audio
  • core/video
  • core/preformatted
  • core/embed

If you need additional blocks, please customize the GraphQL query accordingly.

To translate a post, provide the JSON dictionary with GraphQL variables:

  • postID: The ID of the post to translate
  • translateToLang: the language code to translate to

For instance:

  "postID": 40,
  "translateToLang": "es"

When executing the query, the post will be translated. You can then open it again the WordPress editor, and keep editing it.

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