Schema tutorialLesson 27: Pinging external services
Lesson 27: Pinging external services
We can ping external services about new resources added to our website, passing along data both stored in the website and/or provided via parameters or headers.
In this query, we retrieve the IDs of the comments added in the last 24 hs and, for each, send a ping to some external service, passing their ID as a parameter in the URL, and forwarding some headers from the current HTTP request:
timeNow: _time
time24HsAgo: _intSubtract(subtract: 86400, from: $__timeNow)
date24HsAgo: _date(format: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO", timestamp: $__time24HsAgo)
comments(filter: { dateQuery: { after: $__date24HsAgo } } ) {
commentID: id
url: _urlAddParams(
url: "",
params: {
commentID: $__commentID
headers: _httpRequestHeaders
requiredHeaders: _objectKeepProperties(
object: $__headers,
keys: ["user-agent", "origin"]
headerNameValueEntryList: _objectConvertToNameValueEntryList(
object: $__requiredHeaders
_sendHTTPRequest(input: {
url: $__url
method: GET
options: {
headers: $__headerNameValueEntryList
}) {
If the external service can receive the data for multiple resources, we can collect all of them, and then send a single ping:
query ExportData {
timeNow: _time
time24HsAgo: _intSubtract(subtract: 86400, from: $__timeNow)
date24HsAgo: _date(format: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO", timestamp: $__time24HsAgo)
comments(filter: { dateQuery: { after: $__date24HsAgo } } )
@export(as: "commentIDs")
hasComments: _notEmpty(value: $__comments)
@export(as: "hasComments")
query SendPing
@depends(on: "ExportData")
@include(if: $hasComments)
url: _urlAddParams(
url: "",
params: {
commentIDs: $commentIDs
headers: _httpRequestHeaders
requiredHeaders: _objectKeepProperties(
object: $__headers,
keys: ["user-agent", "origin"]
headerNameValueEntryList: _objectConvertToNameValueEntryList(
object: $__requiredHeaders
_sendHTTPRequest(input: {
url: $__url
method: GET
options: {
headers: $__headerNameValueEntryList
}) {