Schema tutorial
Schema tutorialLesson 18: Interacting with external services via webhooks

Lesson 18: Interacting with external services via webhooks

A webhook is an HTTP-based callback function that an external service calls to notify of some event, passing a payload of data along with it. Webhooks enable different webapps and services to communicate with each other.

Some examples of services invoking webhooks include:

  • GitHub, when a repository has a commit pushed
  • Dropbox, when a document is updated
  • WooCommerce, when an order is added
  • Microsoft Teams, to receive rich text messages and post in public channels
  • ConvertKit, when a subscriber is activated

With Gato GraphQL, we can create Persisted Queries that act as webhooks:

  • Because the Persisted Query is exposed under its own URL, it can be used as the target for the webhook
  • Every Persisted Query can deal exclusively with some specific webhook

In this tutorial lesson, we will create a Persisted Query to interact with ConvertKit.

Browsing the webhook documentation

The first step is to read the documentation for the website, and understand what data is sent via the payload.

Analysing webhooks in ConvertKit, subscriber-related events send a POST request to our URL with a JSON payload like this:

  "subscriber": {
    "id": 1,
    "first_name": "John",
    "email_address": "",
    "state": "active",
    "created_at": "2018-02-15T19:40:24.913Z",
    "fields": {
      "My Custom Field": "Value"

Extracting the data from the payload

Because the request is sent via POST, we must extract the data from the body of the HTTP request (which is supported via the HTTP Request via Schema extension).

If the HTTP request is executed via GET, then the Persisted Query can directly obtain the data items from the URL parameters.

This GraphQL query retrieves the body of the request and converts it to a JSON object. Then it extracts items "subscriber.first_name" and "subscriber.email_address" from the JSON object, and exports them as dynamic variables:

query ExtractPayloadData {
  body: _httpRequestBody
  bodyJSONObject: _strDecodeJSONObject(string: $__body)
  subscriberFirstName: _objectProperty(
    object: $__bodyJSONObject,
    by: { path: "subscriber.first_name" }
    @export(as: "subscriberFirstName")
  subscriberEmail: _objectProperty(
    object: $__bodyJSONObject,
    by: { path: "subscriber.email_address" }
    @export(as: "subscriberEmail")

The HTTP Request via Schema extension allows us to retrieve all of the current HTTP request data, via the following fields:

  • _httpRequestBody: Body of the HTTP request
  • _httpRequestClientHost: Client host
  • _httpRequestClientIP: Client IP address (or null if the server is not properly configured)
  • _httpRequestCookie: Request cookie value
  • _httpRequestCookies: Request cookies
  • _httpRequestDomain: Domain of the requested URL
  • _httpRequestFullURL: Requested URL (including the query params)
  • _httpRequestHasCookie: Does the request contain a certain cookie?
  • _httpRequestHasHeader: Does the request contain a certain header?
  • _httpRequestHasParam: Does the request contain a certain param?
  • _httpRequestHeader: Request header value
  • _httpRequestHeaders: Request headers
  • _httpRequestHost: Host of the requested URL
  • _httpRequestMethod: Request method
  • _httpRequestStringParam: Value of a param (passed via POST or GET) of type ?param=value
  • _httpRequestStringListParam: Value of a param (passed via POST or GET) of type ?param[]=value1&param[]=value2
  • _httpRequestParams: Params passed whether via POST or via the URL query
  • _httpRequestProtocol: Request protocol
  • _httpRequestQuery: Query params string
  • _httpRequestReferer: Request referer
  • _httpRequestRequestTime: Timestamp of the start of the request
  • _httpRequestScheme: Scheme of the requested URL
  • _httpRequestServerIP: Server IP address
  • _httpRequestURL: Requested URL (without query params)
  • _httpRequestURLPath: Absolute path (starting with "/") of the requested URL
  • _httpRequestUserAgent: User agent

Executing some action with the data

Once we have extracted the data from the payload, we can execute some action with it.

This GraphQL query deals with the subscriber.subscriber_unsubscribe event, to send an email to the person who unsubscribed, asking for feedback.

query CreateEmailMessage
  @depends(on: "ExtractPayloadData")
  emailMessageTemplate: _strConvertMarkdownToHTML(
    text: """
Hey {$subscriberFirstName}, it's sad to let you go!
Please be welcome to complete [this form]( and let us know if there is anything we can do better.
Thanks. Hope to see you back!
  emailMessage: _strReplaceMultiple(
    search: ["{$subscriberFirstName}"],
    replaceWith: [$subscriberFirstName],
    in: $__emailMessageTemplate
    @export(as: "emailMessage")
mutation SendEmail @depends(on: "CreateEmailMessage") {
    input: {
      to: $subscriberEmail
      subject: "Would you like to give us feedback on how we can improve?"
      messageAs: {
        html: $emailMessage
  ) {