Schema tutorial
Schema tutorialIntro


Gato GraphQL is a productivity tool for interacting with data in your WordPress site. It allows you to retrieve, manipulate and store again any piece of data, in any desired way.

Among others, you can use it to:

  • Query data to create headless sites
  • Expose public and private APIs
  • Synchronize content across sites
  • Automate tasks
  • Complement WP-CLI to execute admin tasks
  • Search/replace content for site migrations
  • Send notifications when something happens (new post published, new comment added, etc)
  • Interact with cloud services
  • Convert the data from a 3rd-party API into the required format
  • Translate content in the site
  • Insert or remove (Gutenberg) blocks in bulk
  • Validate that a new post contains a mandatory block
  • And much more...

This tutorial explains how to achieve all of these objectives, one by one, by exploring all the elements from the GraphQL schema (the types, fields, directives, etc).

Lessons are incremental, focusing on some new element from the GraphQL schema, and building upon all items introduced in the previous lessons. Hence, the lessons are better read in the given order.

By the last lesson, you will have a thorough understanding of crafting GraphQL queries to achieve all the features by Gato GraphQL, as demonstrated in the video below.