PHP Functions via Schema
This extension adds fields and directives to the GraphQL schema which expose functionalities commonly found in programming languages (such as PHP).
Function fields and directives are useful for manipulating the data once it has been retrieved, allowing us to transform a field value in whatever way it is required, and granting us powerful data import/export capabilities.
This query, containing a variety of function fields and directives:
_intAdd(add: 15, to: 56)
_intArraySum(array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
_arrayJoin(array: ["Hello", "to", "everyone"], separator: " ")
_arrayItem(array: ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"], position: 3)
_arraySearch(array: ["uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco"], element: "tres")
_arrayUnique(array: ["uno", "dos", "uno", "tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"])
_arrayMerge(arrays: [["uno", "dos", "uno"], ["tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"]])
_arrayDiff(arrays: [["uno", "dos"], ["tres", "cuatro", "dos"]])
_arrayAddItem(array: ["uno", "dos"], value: "tres")
_arraySetItem(array: ["uno", "dos"], index: 0, value: "tres")
_arrayKeys(array: ["uno", "dos", "tres"])
_arrayLength(array: ["uno", "dos", "tres"])
_strRegexFindMatches(regex: "/https?:\\/\\/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})/", string: "In website there is more information")
_strReplace(search: "https://", replaceWith: "http://", in: "")
_strReplaceMultiple(search: ["https://", "gato"], replaceWith: ["http://", "dog"], in: "")
_strRegexReplace(searchRegex: "/^https?:\\/\\//", replaceWith: "", in: "")
_strRegexReplaceMultiple(searchRegex: ["/^https?:\\/\\//", "/([a-z]*)/"], replaceWith: ["", "$1$1"], in: "")
_strStartsWith(search: "orld", in: "Hello world")
_strEndsWith(search: "orld", in: "Hello world")
_strUpperCase(text: "Hello world")
_strLowerCase(text: "Hello world")
_strTitleCase(text: "Hello world")
falseToTrue: _echo(value: false) @boolOpposite
trueToFalse: _echo(value: true) @boolOpposite
plusOne: _echo(value: 2) @intAdd(number: 1)
objectAddEntry: _echo(value: {
user: "Leo",
contact: {
email: ""
@objectAddEntry(key: "phone", value: "+0929094229", underPath: "contact")
@objectAddEntry(key: "methods", value: {}, underPath: "contact")
@objectAddEntry(key: "card", value: true, underPath: "contact.methods")
upperCase: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strUpperCase
lowerCase: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strLowerCase
titleCase: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strTitleCase
append: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strAppend(string: "!!!")
prepend: _echo(value: "Hello world") @strPrepend(string: "!!!")
arraySplice: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1)
arraySpliceWithLength: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1, length: 1)
arraySpliceWithReplacement: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1, replacement: ["cuatro", "cinco"])
arraySpliceWithLengthAndReplacement: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "tres"]) @arraySplice(offset: 1, length: 1, replacement: ["cuatro", "cinco"])
arrayUnique: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "uno", "tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"]) @arrayUnique
arrayMerge: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", "uno"]) @arrayMerge(with: ["tres", "cuatro", "dos", "cinco", "dos"])
arrayDiff: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos"]) @arrayDiff (against: ["tres", "cuatro", "dos"])
arrayFilter: _echo(value: ["uno", "dos", null, "tres", "", "dos", []]) @arrayFilter
objectKeepProperties: _echo(value: { user: "Leo", email: "" } )
keys: ["user"]
"data": {
"_intAdd": 71,
"_intArraySum": 15,
"_arrayJoin": "Hello to everyone",
"_arrayItem": "four",
"_arraySearch": 2,
"_arrayUnique": [
"_arrayMerge": [
"_arrayDiff": [
"_arrayAddItem": [
"_arraySetItem": [
"_arrayKeys": [
"_arrayLength": 3,
"_strRegexFindMatches": [
"_strReplace": "",
"_strReplaceMultiple": "",
"_strRegexReplace": "",
"_strRegexReplaceMultiple": "gatographqlgatographql.comcom",
"_strStartsWith": false,
"_strEndsWith": true,
"_strUpperCase": "HELLO WORLD",
"_strLowerCase": "hello world",
"_strTitleCase": "Hello World",
"falseToTrue": true,
"trueToFalse": false,
"plusOne": 3,
"objectAddEntry": {
"user": "Leo",
"contact": {
"email": "",
"phone": "+0929094229",
"methods": {
"card": true
"upperCase": "HELLO WORLD",
"lowerCase": "hello world",
"titleCase": "Hello World",
"append": "Hello world!!!",
"prepend": "!!!Hello world",
"arraySplice": [
"arraySpliceWithLength": [
"arraySpliceWithReplacement": [
"arraySpliceWithLengthAndReplacement": [
"arrayUnique": [
"arrayMerge": [
"arrayDiff": [
"arrayFilter": [
"objectKeepProperties": {
"user": "Leo"
Function Fields
Function fields are Global Fields, hence they are added to every single type in the GraphQL schema: in QueryRoot
, but also in Post
, User
, etc.
This is the list of function fields.
Return an AND
operation among several boolean properties.
Adds an element to the array.
Create a JSON object using the elements from an array as keys, and the elements from another array as values.
Split an array into chunks.
Return an array containing all the elements from the first array which are not present on any of the other arrays.
JSON encode an array as a string.
Create an array filled with values.
Filter out the null or empty elements in the array.
Exchanges all numeric keys with their associated values in an array, returning an object.
Fill the JSON objects inside a target array with properties from a JSON object from a source array, where a certain property is the same for both objects.
Access the element on the given position in the array.
Join all the strings in an array, using a provided separator.
Keys in an array.
Number of elements in an array.
Merge two or more arrays together.
Pad an array to the specified length with a value.
Randomly select one element from the provided ones.
Remove the first element in the array.
Remove the last element in the array.
Reverse an array.
Search in what position is an element placed in the array. If found, it returns its position, otherwise it returns false
Sets an element on some position of the array.
Extract a slice of an array.
Remove a portion of an array and replace it with something else.
Filters out all duplicated elements in the array.
Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given integer timestamp
(Unix timestamp) or the current time if no timestamp is given. In other words, timestamp
is optional and defaults to the value of time()
(provided via field _time
Repeat back the input, whatever it is.
Indicate if the result from a field equals a certain value.
Rounds up a number to the next highest integer.
Divide a number by another number.
Indicate if number1 > number2.
Indicate if number1 >= number2.
If a boolean property is true, execute a field, else, execute another field.
Indicate if the array contains the value
Add an integer to another integer number.
Sum of the integer elements in the array.
Multiple an integer with another integer number.
Subtract an integer from another integer number.
Indicate if a value is empty.
Indicate if a value is null.
Indicate if number1 < number2.
Indicate if number1 <= number2.
Returns the Unix timestamp corresponding to the arguments given. This timestamp is a long integer containing the number of seconds between the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) and the time specified.
Any optional arguments omitted or null will be set to the current value according to the local date and time.
Return the opposite value of a boolean property.
Indicate if the value is not empty.
Are the two values not equal to each other.
Indicate if the array does not contain the value.
Indicate if the value is not null
Adds an entry to the object.
JSON encode an object as a string.
Filter out the null or empty elements in the object.
Flip the keys and values in a JSON object.
Computes the intersection of objects using keys for comparison.
Keeps specific properties only in the JSON object.
Merge two or more objects together.
Retrieve the properties in a JSON object.
Retrieve a property from a JSON object.
Removes an entry from the JSON object.
Removes one or more entries from the JSON object.
Retrieve the values in a JSON object.
Return an OR
operation among several boolean properties.
Indicate if a property exists on a JSON object.
Indicate if a property exists and is not null
on a JSON object.
Replace placeholders inside a string with provided values.
Append a string to another string.
Indicates if a string contains another string.
Decode a string into a JSON object, or return null
if it is not possible.
Decode a string into an array (of any type), or return null
if it is not possible.
Indicates if a string ends with another string.
Length of the string.
Transform a string to lower case.
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
Position of a substring within the string, or null
if not found.
Execute a regular expression to extract all matches from a string.
Execute a regular expression to search and replace a string.
Execute regular expressions to search and replace strings.
Repeat a string
Replace a string with another string.
Replace a list of strings with another list of strings.
Reverse a string.
Randomly shuffles a string
Indicates if a string starts with another string.
Returns a string with backslashes stripped off. (\' becomes ' and so on.) Double backslashes (\\) are made into a single backslash (\).
Return part of a string
Transform a string to title case.
Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
Transform a string to upper case.
Number of words in the string
Return the time now.
Function Directives
This is the list of function directives.
Adds an element to the array.
Computes the difference with another array.
Filters out the null or empty elements in the array.
Merge the array with another array.
Pad an array to the specified length with a value.
Remove the first element in the array.
Remove the last element in the array.
Reverse an array.
Sets an element on some position of the array.
Extract a slice of an array.
Remove a portion of an array and replace it with something else.
Filters out all duplicated elements in the array.
Convert a bool to its opposite value.
Divide the field value by a float number.
Add an integer number to the field value.
Multiply an integer number with the field value.
Subtract an integer number from the field value.
Add an entry to the JSON object.
Filter out the null or empty elements in an object.
Keep specific properties only from the JSON object.
Removes an entry from the JSON object.
Remove specific properties from the JSON object.
Set the field's value as null
Append some string to the end of the string in the field value.
Convert a string to lower case.
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
Append some string to the beginning of the string in the field value.
Execute a regular expression to search and replace a string (see documentation for PHP function preg_replace
Execute regular expressions to search and replace a list of strings (see documentation for PHP function preg_replace
Repeat a string.
Replace a string with another string.
Replace a list of strings with another list of strings.
Reverse a string.
Randomly shuffles a string.
Returns a string with backslashes stripped off. (\' becomes ' and so on.) Double backslashes (\\) are made into a single backslash .
Return part of a string.
Convert a string to title case.
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
Convert a string to upper case.
Function Fields
While we have a Post.hasComments
fields, we may need the opposite value. Instead of creating a new field Post.notHasComments
(for which we'd need to edit PHP code), we can use the Field to Input feature to input the value from hasComments
into a not
field, thus calculating the new value always within the GraphQL query:
posts {
notHasComments: _not(value: $__hasComments)
We can apply function fields multiple times to perform a more complex calculation, such as generating a summary
field based on the values from other fields:
posts {
content @remove
shortContent: _strSubstr(string: $__content, offset: 0, length: 150) @remove
excerpt @remove
isExcerptEmpty: _isEmpty(value: $__excerpt) @remove
summary: _if(
condition: $__isExcerptEmpty
then: $__content
else: $__excerpt
In combination with the HTTP Client extension, we can dynamically generate an API endpoint to connect to (based on the data on our site), and then extract some specific field from the returned data:
pagination: { limit: 2 },
sort: { order: ASC, by: ID }
) {
# Dynamically generate endpoint for the user
endpoint: _arrayJoin(values: [
# Retrieve the endpoint data
endpointData: _sendJSONObjectItemHTTPRequest(input: { url: $__endpoint } )
# Extract specific information
userAvatar: _objectProperty(
object: $__endpointData,
by: {
path: "avatar_urls.48"
"data": {
"users": [
"id": 1,
"endpoint": ",avatar_urls",
"endpointData": {
"name": "leo",
"avatar_urls": {
"24": "",
"48": "",
"96": ""
"_links": {
"self": [
"href": ""
"collection": [
"href": ""
"userAvatar": ""
"id": 2,
"endpoint": ",avatar_urls",
"endpointData": {
"name": "themedemos",
"avatar_urls": {
"24": "",
"48": "",
"96": ""
"_links": {
"self": [
"href": ""
"collection": [
"href": ""
"userAvatar": ""
Function Directives
If this query:
query {
posts {
...produces these results:
"data": {
"posts": [
"title": "Hello world!"
"title": "lovely weather"
...then this query:
query {
posts {
title @strUpperCase
...will produce:
"data": {
"posts": [
"title": "HELLO WORLD!"