Query Functions
Query FunctionsResponse Error Trigger

Response Error Trigger

Included in the “Power Extensions” bundle

Explicitly add an error entry to the response to trigger the failure of the GraphQL request (whenever a field does not meet the expected conditions).


This module adds fields and directives to explicitly trigger errors, and add warnings, to be added to the GraphQL response.


Global field _fail and directive @fail, which add an entry to the errors property in the response, are added to the GraphQL schema.

query {
  _fail(message: "Some error")
  posts {
    featuredImage @fail(
      # condition: IS_NULL, \<= This is the default value
      message: "The post does not have a featured image"
    ) {
  users {
    name @fail(
      condition: IS_EMPTY,
      message: "The retrieved user does not have a name"

Both of them can also receive argument data, to provide contextual information in the error response.

These schema elements are useful to explicitly indicate that there is an error in the executed GraphQL query, whenever such an error does not happen on natural circumstances.

Then, in our application on the client side (such as JavaScript with a headless setup), we can check if entry errors exists and, based on that, either process the GraphQL response or show an error message to the user:

 * If the response contains error(s), return a concatenated error message
 * @param {Object} response A response object from the GraphQL server
 * @return {string|null} The error message or nothing
const maybeGetErrorMessage = (response) => {
  if (response.errors && response.errors.length) {
    return sprintf(
      __(`The API produced the following error(s): "%s"`, 'gato-graphql'),
      response.errors.map(error => error.message).join( __('", "') )
  return null;
const maybeErrorMessage = maybeGetErrorMessage(response);
if (maybeErrorMessage) {
  // Show error to the user
  // ...
} else {
  // Process response
  // ...


Global field _warn and directive @warn, which add an entry to the warnings property in the response, are added to the GraphQL schema:

query {
  _warn(message: "Some warning")
  posts {
    featuredImage {
    doesNotHaveFeaturedImage: _isNull(value: $__featuredImage)
      @passOnwards(as: "doesNotHaveFeaturedImage")
      @if(condition: $doesNotHaveFeaturedImage)
        @warn(message: "The post does not have a featured image")

Both of them can also receive argument data, to provide contextual information in the warning response.

These schema elements are useful to indicate that, even though the query executed successfully, some condition was not expected.


Retrieving a post with a non-existent ID will naturally return null. If we need to treat this condition as an error, we can use directive @fail:

query GetPost($id: ID!) {
  post(by:{id: $id})
      message: "There is no post with the provided ID"
      data: {
        id: $id

In combination with the Multiple Query Execution extension, we can obtain the same results using _fail (notice that operation FailIfPostNotExists is not executed whenever $postExists is true):

query GetPost($id: ID!) {
  post(by:{id: $id}) {
  _notNull(value: $__post) @export(as: "postExists")
query FailIfPostNotExists($id: ID!)
  @skip(if: $postExists)
  @depends(on: "GetPost")
  errorMessage: _sprintf(
    string: "There is no post with ID '%s'",
    values: [$id]
  ) @remove
    message: $__errorMessage
    data: {
      id: $id
  ) @remove

We can use _fail to ensure that the user with given email does not yet exist:

query EnsureUserDoesNotExist($userEmail: Email!) {
  user( by: { email: $userEmail } ) {
      message: "User with given email already exists"
      data: {
        email: $userEmail
mutation CreateUser($userData: JSONObject!)
  @depends(on: "EnsureUserDoesNotExist")
  # ...

We can also use _fail to check if retrieving data from an external API produced errors:

query ConnectToExternalGraphQLAPI($endpoint: String!, $query: String!) {
  externalData: _sendGraphQLHTTPRequest(
    input: {
      endpoint: $endpoint
      query: $query
  ) @export(as: "externalData")
    object: $__externalData
    by: {
      key: "errors"
  ) @export(as: "endpointHasErrors")
query FailIfExternalAPIHasErrors($endpoint: String!)
  @include(if: $endpointHasErrors)
  @depends(on: "ConnectToExternalGraphQLAPI")
  errorMessage: _sprintf(
    string: "Connecting to endpoint %s produced errors",
    values: [$endpoint]
  ) @remove
  data: _objectProperty(
    object: $externalData,
    by: {
      key: "errors"
  ) @remove
    message: $__errorMessage
    data: {
      endpoint: $endpoint
      endpointData: $__data
  ) @remove
query GetExternalAPIData
  @skip(if: $endpointHasErrors)
  @depends(on: "ConnectToExternalGraphQLAPI")
  data: _objectProperty(
    object: $externalData,
    by: {
      key: "data"