Persisted Queries
Persisted QueriesPersisted Queries

Persisted Queries

Included in the “Power Extensions” bundle

Use GraphQL queries to create pre-defined endpoints as in REST, obtaining the benefits from both APIs.


With REST, you create multiple endpoints, each returning a pre-defined set of data.

✅ It's simple❌ It's tedious to create all the endpoints
✅ Accessed via GET or POST❌ A project may face bottlenecks waiting for endpoints to be ready
✅ Can be cached on the server or CDN❌ Producing documentation is mandatory
✅ It's secure: only intended data is exposed❌ It can be slow (mainly for mobile apps), since the application may need several requests to retrieve all the data

With GraphQL, you provide any query to a single endpoint, which returns exactly the requested data.

✅ No under/over fetching of data❌ Accessed only via POST
✅ It can be fast, since all data is retrieved in a single request❌ It can't be cached on the server or CDN, making it slower and more expensive than it could be
✅ It enables rapid iteration of the project❌ It may require to reinvent the wheel, such as uploading files or caching
✅ It can be self-documented❌ Must deal with additional complexities, such as the N+1 problem
✅ It provides an editor for the query (GraphiQL) that simplifies the task 

Persisted queries combine these 2 approaches together:

  • It uses GraphQL to create and resolve queries
  • But instead of exposing a single endpoint, it exposes every pre-defined query under its own endpoint

Hence, we obtain multiple endpoints with predefined data, as in REST, but these are created using GraphQL, obtaining the advantages from each and avoiding their disadvantages:

✅ Accessed via GET or POST❌ It's tedious to create all the endpoints
✅ Can be cached on the server or CDN❌ A project may face bottlenecks waiting for endpoints to be ready
✅ It's secure: only intended data is exposed❌ Producing documentation is mandatory
✅ No under/over fetching of data❌ It can be slow (mainly for mobile apps), since the application may need several requests to retrieve all the data
✅ It can be fast, since all data is retrieved in a single request❌ Accessed only via POST
✅ It enables rapid iteration of the project❌ It can't be cached on the server or CDN, making it slower and more expensive than it could be
✅ It can be self-documented❌ It may require to reinvent the wheel , such asuploading files or caching
✅ It provides an editor for the query (GraphiQL) that simplifies the task❌ Must deal with additional complexities, such as the N+1 problem 👈🏻 this issue is resolved by the underlying engine

Persisted query editor

Executing the Persisted Query

Once the persisted query is published, we can execute it via its permalink.

The persisted query can be executed directly in the browser, since it is accessed via GET, and we will obtain the requested data, in JSON format:

Executing a persisted in the browser

Creating a Persisted Query

Clicking on the Persisted Queries link in the menu, it displays the list of all the created persisted queries:

Persisted queries with description
Persisted queries with description

A persisted query is a custom post type (CPT). To create a new persisted query, click on button "Add New GraphQL persisted query", which will open the WordPress editor:

Creating a new Persisted Query

The main input is the GraphiQL client, which comes with the Explorer by default. Clicking on the fields on the left side panel adds them to the query, and clicking on the "Run" button executes the query:

GraphiQL Explorer

When the query is ready, publish it, and its permalink becomes its endpoint. The link to the endpoint (and to the source) is shown on the "Persisted Query Endpoint Overview" sidebar panel:

Persisted Query Endpoint Overview

Appending ?view=source to the permalink, it will show the persisted query and its configuration (as long as the user is logged-in and the user role has access to it):

Persisted query source

By default, the persisted query's endpoint has path /graphql-query/, and this value is configurable through the Settings:

Persisted query Settings
Persisted query Settings

Schema configuration

Defining what elements the schema contains, and what access will users have to it, is defined in the schema configuration.

So we must create a create a schema configuration, and then select it from the dropdown:

Selecting the schema configuration

Organizing Persisted Queries by Category

On the sidebar panel "Endpoint categories" we can add categories to help manage the Persisted Query:

Endpoint categories when editing a Persisted Query

For instance, we can create categories to manage endpoints by client, application, or any other required piece of information:

List of endpoint categories

On the list of Persisted Queries, we can visualize their categories and, clicking on any category link, or using the filter at the top, will only display all entries for that category:

List of Persisted Queries with their categories

Private persisted queries

By setting the status of the Persisted Query as private, the endpoint can only be accessed by the admin user. This prevents our data from being unintentionally shared with users who should not have access to the data.

For instance, we can create private Persisted Queries that help manage the application, such as retrieving data to create reports with our metrics.

Private Persisted Query

Password-protected persisted queries

If we create a Persisted Query for a specific client, we can assign a password to it, to provide an additional level of security that only that client will access the endpoint.

Password-protected Persisted Query

When first accessing a password-protected persisted query, we encounter a screen requesting the password:

Password-protected Persisted Query: First access

Once the password is provided and validated, only then the user will access the intended endpoint.

Making the persisted query dynamic via URL params

The value for each variable can be set via a URL param (with the variable name) when executing the persisted query. If option "Do URL params override variables?" is enabled, then the URL param will take priority. Otherwise, the value defined in the variables dictionary will take priority (if any).

For instance, in this query, the number of results is controlled via variable $limit, with a default value of 3:

Using variables in persisted query

When executing this persisted query, passing ?limit=5 will execute the query returning 5 results instead:

Overriding value for variables in persisted query