Gato GraphQL + WordPress Multisite demo

Translating pages on a Multilingual site based on WordPress Multisite

In a WordPress Multisite network, translate pages from the source site into the language of a translation site, and create those pages on the translation site.

Leonardo Losoviz
Leonardo Losoviz -
Target Image


We can use Gato GraphQL to create a multilingual site based on a WordPress multisite network (where every site is the translation for some language) without the need for any other plugin.

In the demo video, there is a multilingual site based on a WordPress Multisite network, with 3 languages configured as subdomains:

  • subdomain-multisite.local: Main site with source content
  • en.subdomain-multisite.local: Site in English
  • es.subdomain-multisite.local: Site in Spanish
  • fr.subdomain-multisite.local: Site in French

We translate the Classic editor-based pages from the main site (with source content) to all translation sites, by running persisted query Translate pages for a multilingual site (Multisite / Classic editor).

(To translate content based on the WordPress block editor, run persisted query Translate pages for a multilingual site (Multisite / Gutenberg).)

In this example, the main site with source content is in English, and there is also a translation site in English (under en.subdomain-multisite.local). When executing the persisted query for this site, the content is simply copied, without any translation performed.

When selecting the Spanish (and also the French) site as destination, the content is translated to that language, and the corresponding pages created.

The persisted query logs into the translation site by using WordPress application passwords.

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