
๐ŸฅŠ Gato GraphQL vs WPGraphQL: the fight!

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ยท

Update 01/05/2024: Check-out the Gato GraphQL vs WPGraphQL comparison.

Ladiessssssssssss, and gentlemen.

Announcing the upcoming match

Welcome to the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the bout of the century! Tonight, we are making history. Two young fighters will face each other out in the ring, clashing for the prize they have worked so hard for:

To become the "GraphQL in WordPress" world champion ๐Ÿ†

To our right, we have the current champion. Even though only 4 years old, he's already full of experience, having recently reached the 1.0 version and been published on the directory, and he is very popular among the crowds.

๐Ÿฅ Give ๐Ÿฅ the ๐Ÿฅ welcome ๐Ÿฅ tooooo ๐Ÿฅ ...... WPGraphQL!

The current champion, WPGraphQL

To our left, we have the challenger. He's been barely out into the world for 1 month, but he's highly energetic and ambitious, displaying his strength from the very first day. He has been the one seeking for today's encounter. Tonight is his chance, and the world is paying attention.

๐Ÿฅ Give ๐Ÿฅ the ๐Ÿฅ welcome ๐Ÿฅ tooooo ๐Ÿฅ ...... Gato GraphQL!

The challenger, Gato GraphQL

Tonight, our contenders will meet face to face for the first time, in a bout of 12 rounds. As they take their positions in the center of the ring, waiting for the opening bell, they study each other, trying to find each other's vulnerable points. However, they exhibit only confidence.

The 2 glorious fighters study each other out

Who will prevail? Will WPGraphQL maintain his advantage, based on the support from his followers? Or will the newcomer Gato GraphQL convince an unsuspecting community of the might of his fists, leaving a trail of awe that converts the crowds to his side?

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we will find out.

Make your bets. And enjoy the match!


I've been recently asked to explain the differences between my plugin, Gato GraphQL, and WPGraphQL.

Both plugins are GraphQL servers for WordPress, so they serve the same purpose. However, under they hood they have different characteristics, which can make one better than the other one to satisfy some required behavior.

Even though I'm biased towards my own plugin, I've tried to draw a comparison that is fair, based on topics which I consider important for both GraphQL and WordPress. (If readers would like a comparison on another topic, I'll be happy to comply.)

The comparison is not exhaustive. For instance, I'd also like to do some benchmarking, measuring the speed of resolving the same GraphQL query with both servers. (If readers find this proposal attractive, I can do it for an upcoming article.)

I have split my comparison into 4 main areas: Popularity, Code style and standards, Pressing matters, and Widening the scope, with 3 items for each, giving a total of 12 "rounds". At the end, the judges give their verdict, to name the champion.

Click below to jump straight to some topic:

๐Ÿ”” Ding ๐Ÿ”” ding ๐Ÿ”” diiiiiing...

The opening bell has sounded...

The match has started!


Any piece of software (or technology, for that matter) must be used by people, or otherwise its being better than the alternatives will just be an anecdote.

For instance, even though there are alternatives which allow to type faster, we still mainly use the QWERTY keyboard.

How popular are the two plugins?

Round 1: Who is using it, and how complete is it

WPGraphQL has been, until now, a synonym with GraphQL in WordPress. During the 4 years plus that it has been developed (starting in November, 2016), it gathered over 2.8k stars on the repo, a community of over 4600 followers, and almost 100 contributors to the project.

It reached version 1.0 and was uploaded to the plugin directory in in November 2020. Since then, it has gathered over 8000 active instalations. It is currently the only solution for sourcing WordPress content to Gatsby and, more recently, several projects have added it to their stacks, including WPEngine's Headless framework and WebDevStudios' Next.js WordPress starter.

In other words, WPGraphQL is popular.

Development for Gato GraphQL started in earnest around 1.5 years ago (as part of a wider project), and it reached a "good enough" status 6 months ago, receiving 150 stars on the repo since then. The plugin is currently on version 0.7, and it's still several months away from reaching 1.0 (for instance, it doesn't have categories on the schema yet).

Last month I launched this current site, and since then I have been promoting the plugin via the blog (like the article you are reading now), and also published an intro article on CSS-Tricks. These attempts have brought in several hundred people to the site, and over 100 visitors have downloaded the plugin.

In other words, Gato GraphQL is slowly but steadily getting popular, and it is a work in progress.

Winner of the round: WPGraphQL.

It's a hit! WPGraphQL's punch reaches Gato GraphQL

Round 2: Availability of extensions

Extensions enable to interact with other plugins via Gato GraphQL.

WPGraphQL has extensions for ACF, WooCommerce, Yoast and a few others.

Gato GraphQL has no extensions yet, and I don't expect there will be many before releasing version 1.0.

However, Gato GraphQL has a big emphasis on extensions in its architecture, allowing the user to manage them (enable, disable, configure, and read their documentation) from a central place, the "Modules" page:

Modules page in Gato GraphQL

In other words, while WPGraphQL already has extensions, Gato GraphQL is preparing the field for them.

Winner of the round: WPGraphQL.

WPGraphQL hits again!

Round 3: Target audience

WPGraphQL targets developers: if you want to extract data from your WordPress site, you need to store your GraphQL query somewhere in your code (most likely, in some JavaScript function). Then, to be able to use it, you need to be good enough at programming.

Gato GraphQL, instead, follows the WordPress philosophy that anyone should be able to use it, including non-techies. To achieve this goal, it enables to create and manage a GraphQL query via the WordPress editor, so that making the WordPress site's data accessible via an API becomes as easy as creating a blog post.

In addition, Gato GraphQL puts more emphasis on offering clients to interact with the GraphQL service in a visual manner. While both plugins provide the GraphiQL client, to execute the query, only Gato GraphQL also provides the Voyager client, to interactively explore the schema:

Visualizing the GraphQL schema

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.

Gato GraphQL delivers a good left blow!

Code style and standards

Let's talk code!

If you are using GraphQL, chances are, you are doing headless WordPress and rendering the website using some JavaScript framework, which is a modern paradigm. Moreover, WordPress may be an old CMS, but GraphQL is a modern interface to access data from the site. Hence, I can safely assume that you're a wise developer, keen on producing elegant code, and will not accept using a suboptimal solution.

How elegant is the code (from their own codebase, and expected from our custom implementations) from these two plugins?

Round 4: PHP requirements

Both WPGraphQL and Gato GraphQL require PHP 7.1+.

However, there is a difference: Gato GraphQL is actually coded using PHP 7.4, and is then transpiled to PHP 7.1 for production.

Hence, coding Gato GraphQL is much more pleasurable: you can use newer PHP features, including the object type, typed properties and arrow functions. And once support for PHP 8.0 is added (which will happen when the new version of Lando is released), you will also be able to use union types, the match expression, and others.

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.

The Gato GraphQL is leaving his mark!

Round 5: Coding practices

Let's start with WPGraphQL. Heading over to the wp-graphql/wp-graphql repo, there is something that stands out for me:

The vendor folder stored in the repo

Zooming in:

Contents of the vendor folder

Sorry, but there's only one way I can react about this:

I can forgive you many things in life, but not this

Commiting Composer's vendor folder to the repo is a bad practice, and Composer explicitly discourages it.

Fixing this problem is not difficult (I even described a way based on GitHub actions), so I wonder why it's there.

I'd say that, in this round, WPGraphQL is hitting himself!


Let's continue. Developing for WPGraphQL requires knowing a super extensive collection of hooks (actions and filters). Heading to WPGraphQL's Developer reference, we can appreciate the extent of this.

To take a screenshot to the list of actions, I had to zoom my browser out to 50%:

Action hooks for extending WPGraphQL

For the list of filters, I zoomed out to 30% (the lowest that Firefox supports), and even then I couldn't get the whole list:

Filter hooks for extending WPGraphQL

Let's switch over to the GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL repo, which is the monorepo containing Gato GraphQL (among other projects).

These are some of the characteristics of the code:

โœ… Compliant with standards PSR-1, PSR-4 and PSR-12.

โœ… All code is split into multiple, atomic packages, and all of them (over 100 for the plugin, over 200 for the whole project) are hosted in the same monorepo.

โœ… Uses Composer to manage all dependencies.

โœ… Uses Symfony Dependency Injection to manage all services in the application. To register a new type resolver, field resolver or directive resolver, we must just register a new service in the container.

โœ… Every class is a service, and Symfony Dependency Injection takes care of autowiring the whole application together.

โœ… The underlying GraphQL server is CMS-agnostic. Gato GraphQL implements the contracts for WordPress, and adds a bit of custom logic (for instance, to provide the clients).

The WordPress-specific code is only around 10% of the overall code. Replicating this 10% for another framework or CMS (Laravel/Drupal/etc) can provide an implementation of a GraphQL server for them too.

โœ… As a consequence of being CMS-agnostic, coding a resolver implies coding its generic business logic, powered by reusable services. We never think in terms of WordPress code, and we rarely need to deal with its technical debt.

โœ… Likewise, the GraphQL schema is not a 1:1 replica of the WordPress data model, bypassing the technical debt accumulated by WordPress at the data layer, and providing a clean interface.

โœ… GraphQL's N+1 problem cannot happen, by architectural design, and without troubling the developer at all.

โœ… The server is not only a GraphQL server: it's actually an API server, where the response can be output in other formats or specifications (eg: REST) from a single source of truth. (More on this on round 11).

โœ… No vendor directory is committed. Instead, the source code is transformed to distribution code (i.e. the final plugin to install on the WordPress site) via GitHub actions, and deployed to a dist repo, where it does contain the vendor folder.

โœ… When generating the code for distribution, it is scoped with PHP-Scoper, and the source code, which contains PHP 7.4 code, which is transpiled to PHP 7.1.

โœ… Because it has solved scoping, the plugin can rely on any 3rd-party dependency. Currently, it makes use of Symfony's DependencyInjection, Cache and Dotenv, Guzzle (to interact with external APIs), the League's Pipeline, and several others.

This is important not just for the present, but also for the future: I can have the certainty that I can use any dependency from the Packagist repository, so I don't need to reinvent the wheel.

โœ… Fields are subscribed to types, making the GraphQL schema easy to extend.

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL (by a big margin, I dare say, if you don't mind).

After a tough round, WPGraphQL needs some rest

Round 6: Extending the schema

Let's add a field to the GraphQL schema.

We follow the tutorial for WPGraphQL. The suggested code is the one below. It declares an action hook to execute a function that declares an array. Both the description of the fields, and its resolution, is provided within the array:

add_action( 'graphql_register_types', function() {
	register_graphql_field( 'RootQuery', 'myNewField', [
		'type' => 'String',
		'args' => [
			'myArg' => [
				'type' => 'String',
        'description' => __( 'Description for how the argument will impact the field resolver', 'your-textdomain' ),
		'resolve' => function( $source, $args, $context, $info ) {
			if ( isset( $args['myArg'] ) ) {
				return 'The value of myArg is: ' . $args['myArg'];
			return 'test';

This example is as simple as it can get: the resolver basically does nothing. Yet, I already have trouble looking at the code and understanding at once what it does. No, I'm not being snarky: all colors from that code in my editor are fighting for my attention. In addition, there's no separation of concerns, and the code doesn't seem to be very reusable.

Hence, it will be up to the developer (that is, to you) to make the code easy to read, reusable, bug-free, and many others, while developing the application; the library itself doesn't seem to help much in this regard.

I call this style "ADD": Array-Driven Development. I can't say I'm a fan of it.

(To be fair to WPGraphQL, this is a standard coding practice, and is also the one employed by the underlying engine webonyx/graphql-php.)

In Gato GraphQL, all code is SOLID. To register a field in the GraphQL schema, we create a class implementing interface FieldResolverInterface (actually, extending from AbstractSchemaFieldResolver, which has many methods already implemented), and we register it in the container.

For instance, this code provides fields username, email and url to the User type:

class UserFieldResolver extends AbstractSchemaFieldResolver
  public static function getClassesToAttachTo(): array
    return [
  public static function getFieldNamesToResolve(): array
    return [
  public function getSchemaFieldDescription(TypeResolverInterface $typeResolver, string $fieldName): ?string
    $descriptions = [
      'username' => $this->translationAPI->__("User's username handle", "users"),
      'email' => $this->translationAPI->__("User's email", "users"),
      'url' => $this->translationAPI->__("URL of the user's profile in the website", "users"),
    return $descriptions[$fieldName];
  public function getSchemaFieldType(TypeResolverInterface $typeResolver, string $fieldName): ?string
    $types = [
      'username' => SchemaDefinition::TYPE_STRING,
      'email' => SchemaDefinition::TYPE_EMAIL,
      'url' => SchemaDefinition::TYPE_URL,
    return $types[$fieldName];
  public function resolveValue(TypeResolverInterface $typeResolver, object $user, string $fieldName, array $fieldArgs = [])
    switch ($fieldName) {
      case 'username':
        return $this->usersAPI->getUserLogin($user);
      case 'email':
        return $this->usersAPI->getUserEmail($user);
      case 'url':
        return $this->usersAPI->getUserURL($user);
    return null;

I do believe that my solution is more elegant than the one from WPGraphQL. However, that is a matter of taste. I know that many developers do not mind Array-Driven Development, and actually prefer it since, in a compact blob of code, they can implement all the logic.

Winner of the round: it's a draw.

A draw


What a night we have, ladies and gentlemen.

Time to analyze the match so far

We have reached the middle of the fight, so this is good time for a toilet break, and to do some commentary on what we have experienced so far.

(In the meantime, I should display an ad from my sponsors. Unfortunately, I don't have any yet. If you'd like your company to fund development of Gato GraphQL, and get exposure in prime media like this event, send me a message.)

Sponsor me, to get access to prime advertising for your brand

What a match we have! WPGraphQL was initially all fire and fury! He started the match in great shape, dealing terribly mighty blows to Gato GraphQL, who was barely able to stand on his two feet. Blow after blow after blow. I didn't want to be in Gato GraphQL's shoes.

I must admit, I thought after the first 2 rounds, the match would soon be over. I was expecting the knock-down to come at any moment. To see a wavering towel asking for mercy. But Gato GraphQL resisted. We have to give it to him. What an unshakable determination, it is truly remarkable!

And then, the transformation happened. Somewhere starting on the 3rd round, Gato GraphQL seemed to get some energies out of nowhere, and started not just defending himself, but throwing punches back, many of which landed on WPGraphQL's face. I saw WPGraphQL quiver and shake! We had never seen anything like that, from our current world champion. What a truly remarkable transformation we have just experienced!

And then, having his opponent's confidence shaken, starting on the 4th round Gato GraphQL took it upon himself to deal a series of lethal blows. That was startling! Luckily facing him is our world champion, the WPGraphQL, and he could withstand the blows, uplifted by the cheers and compassion from the crowds. What a hero he is! Anyone else would've succumbed right on the spot, but not him, he endured the blows as the champion he is.

But champion, will he be for much longer? Nobody got knocked-down yet, nobody threw the towel yet. The fight could at any moment take a decisive turn. The two fighters know what they want, and I'm sure they'll come out again with all their might, and all their determination, to lash at their opponent, to prevail.

What a match we have!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the two warriors are coming back to the ring.

The contenders are coming back to the ring

On to the rest of the fight!

Pressing matters

The GraphQL server needs to pay attention to many considerations, just to satisfy the proposition "retrieve the data you need, nothing more or less".

For instance:

  • How secure is it? How do we make sure we are not exposing private data on a public endpoint?
  • How performant is it? How can we reduce the load on the server when sending time and again the same query, while making it as fast as possible?
  • How simple is it? How well integrated is it with WordPress, as to leverage the features provided by the CMS?

And many more questions. This is just a small sample that I have chosen, and which I will deal with in the following 3 rounds.

Round 7: Persisted queries

Persisted queries combine the best of both GraphQL and REST: they are created using GraphQL, so it has no under/over fetching of data, but they are published on the server as an endpoint, with its own URL.

Persisted queries provide these benefits:

โœ… It's safe: instead of giving access to any piece of data through the single endpoint, we can pre-define what data to expose.

โœ… It's fast: being accessed via its own URL, it can be cached on every layer between the client and back-ends (in the server, CDN, browser) using the standard HTTP caching.

WPGraphQL offers support for persisted queries through these two extensions:

In addition, Jason Bahl (creator of WPGraphQL) recently announced that in the near future he will add support for persisted queries in WPGraphQL.

I wonder what he has in mind, since there are the 2 extensions already. How will it be different from those? Maybe he wants to make it part of the plugin's core, as to beef up the overall plugin's security measures without depending on a 3rd party?

Or maybe he saw the implementation from Gato GraphQL, and wants to provide a similar experience, operating it via a visual editor instead of pure code?

Which brings us to Gato GraphQL. It not only offers persisted queries, but has strived to make it a central part of the offering:

โœ… The plugin enables disabling the single endpoint, and users are encouraged to expose data via persisted queries only.

(In contrast, WPGraphQL only disables introspection by default, not the actual endpoint. In other words, attackers may still be able to access private data; they are just made their task harder, since they won't know in advance what private data there is.)

โœ… It is deeply integrated with the WordPress editor, so that creating a persisted query takes the same effort as creating a blog post, and anyone can do it, not only programmers.

โœ… Persisted queries are not static: they can use GraphQL variables, whose value can be provided through URL params when executing the endpoint.

Check out the experience of creating and executing a persisted query in my plugin:

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.

Round 8: Caching

GraphQL has a big pain point: it is not easily cacheable. The reason is that it depends on sending POST operations to a single endpoint. Since the single endpoint will produce different results, and since the query is sent in the body of the request instead of URL parameters, then we can't have the single endpoint being cached.

The standard solution offered by many GraphQL servers is to shift the caching to the client, and rely on objects' IDs as identifiers of the entity to be cached instead of an endpoint's URL. The most popular library providing this functionality is the Apollo client.

There is a discussion on the WPGraphQL repo on all options available for caching for WPGraphQL. Interestingly enough, most of them are external tools (such as the Apollo client, or the WordPress Object Cache), which means adding an extra layer to the application, increasing its complexity, and also possibly making it slower.

(These reasons must be partly behind the decision to implement persisted queries natively in WPGraphQL.)

For instance, Apollo client runs, well, on the client. If accessing the website from a low-end mobile phone, without much power, that extra JavaScript code will take a hit on the application's performance.

Likewise, developers working with WordPress may be proficient with PHP, but not so much with JavaScript. Now, caching their APIs will mean they need to worry about the JavaScript layer also.

Gato GraphQL has been smarter about this topic. Since it provides persisted queries, meaning that queries are executed on their own endpoint, it allows to cache these endpoint URLs via HTTP caching.

The HTTP caching header has the max-age value automatically calculated from all the max-age values for all fields in the query, and this information is configured using the WordPress editor, on a field-by-field basis.

As a consequence, the API can be cached across several layers (in the client, CDN, and server), and it's handled natively within the plugin, without the need to add another layer.

Check out this video showing how API endpoints are being cached:

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.

Round 9: Integration with Gutenberg

It used to be that Gutenberg would be the future of WordPress. Not anymore: Gutenberg is now the present of WordPress (so we can refer to it as the WordPress editor), and Full Site Editing has become the new future.

Needless to say, our APIs need to have a good integration with the WordPress editor. This means not only for retrieving and posting data for blocks, but also to potentially power features in the WordPress editor itself.

For instance, because GraphQL subscriptions can have the server push data to the client in real time, it would be suitable for powering the collaborative editing and notifications features.

WPGraphQL can query block data via the WPGraphQL Gutenberg extension. This extension creates a new type to map every block, so we have CoreParagraphBlock, CoreQuoteBlock, etc.

Gato GraphQL will soon be able to query block data (it's a work in progress). However, instead of creating a new type per block, it will have a single Block type to represent all blocks, and then we can extract the specific metadata for some block based on its name.

For instance, check out how you can translate the content inside of a paragraph block (using the @strTranslate directive, which connects to the Google Translate API):

query TranslateStringsInBlocks {
  post(by: { id: 1657 }) {
    paragraphBlocks: blockDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/paragraph" }
    translatedParagraphBlocks: blockDataItems(
      filterBy: { include: "core/paragraph" }
      @underJSONObjectProperty(by: { path: "attributes.content" })
          @strTranslate(from: "en", to: "fr")

Winner of the round: it's a draw.

Widening the scope

"I have a dream."

Gutenberg blocks have been conceived to provide a single interface for creating content in WordPress, greatly simplifying the development of the code for the CMS, and the learning required from users.

While introduced for creating content, blocks are steadily taking over all other areas from the CMS, including widgets, menus and, coming soon, themes via Full Site Editing. And in the future, they will also support multilingual capabilities and collaborative editing (features that we might not even think of when thinking in blocks), and who knows what else.

We can think in GraphQL in the same terms: as a single interface for interacting with data. That means, not only fetching and posting data, but any interaction that involves data, including editing.

WordPress has a unique chance to truly become the OS of the web: a system powered by Gutenberg, that lets the user input any type of content (text, images, video, audio, etc), process it via its own tools or some cloud-based service, and publish it to its final destination, be it the WordPress site or somewhere else.

But behind this powerful dream, there must be a truly powerful API, to deliver whatever requirement we place on it. An API that could be based on GraphQL, but that was designed to also transcend its limitations.

Round 10: Support for custom directives

Beginning of round 10

WPGraphQL does not ship with a single directive. I'm not saying it doesn't support them (it's engine webonyx/graphql-php does), but that it doesn't offer an implementation of any custom directive.

"So what?" you might think. "What do we need directives for? If somebody needs to modify the result of the query, they can do it on their own client!"

Why do I need directives?

This is a matter of opinion, and there's no right or wrong. But let me tell you something: directives are an incredibly useful feature, one that helps set GraphQL apart from REST. If you're not using them, you're most likely not making the most out of your API.

Directives are unregulated by the spec, so GraphQL servers can implement them any way they like, make them as powerful as they need to. That is why plenty of new functionality in GraphQL is first introduced via directives, such as @stream and @defer.

Gato GraphQL treats directives with reverence. They are executed only once with the data from all entities, for all the fields they are applied to (which explains why the @strTranslate directive can fetch results from the Google Translate API so quickly), and the GraphQL engine itself is based on a directive pipeline.

Ahhhh, but you're scared of making all this power available to the users, right? That's a valid concern. But then, you can just remove access to the single endpoint, and provide access to data only through persisted queries, where you (the admin of the site) are the only person with access to the directives.

So either you benefit, or nothing happens.

If you love directives, great, you will love Gato GraphQL! โค๏ธ

But, on the other hand, if you don't like it, nothing happens.

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.

(If you believe that "we don't need stinky directives", please don't be angry at me... I'm just doing my job.)

Round 11: Support for REST

"Ahhhhh? REST? What REST? Aren't we talking GraphQL here? Why do you talk about REST then? Why do you want to complicate my life?"

More than this, I can't do for you

Yeah, at first sight this topic seems out of place. But I've added it in this comparison for a very simple reason: Matt Mullenweg has said that he's checking on GraphQL for a potential inclusion in WordPress core, and the one thing that contributors will worry about is having to maintain two codebases.

Which leads to the obvious question: can the GraphQL server also handle REST?

The answer is "partially yes" for WPGraphQL, and "completely yes" for Gato GraphQL.

Concerning WPGraphQL. It is possible to define a REST endpoint which, when being resolved, simply executes a GraphQL query containing the required fields, either as a internal call to the GraphQL engine, or as an external POST operation executed against the same webserver.

But that is not enough to satisfy the WP REST API, because it also has a JSON schema, and we can't do without it.

Concerning Gato GraphQL. I must admit I've been lucky, because work on its underlying engine (the server-side component model called PoP) started circa 2013, that is several years before I knew of something called GraphQL, and this project evolved with some ideas of its own (which I documented in this vintage article of mine).

Then, when I started coding the CMS-agnostic GraphQL server (on which Gato GraphQL stands) around 1.5 years ago, I merged the ideas developed for PoP, with the foundations established by GraphQL, creating a system that supports the GraphQL spec in its entirety, while being able to add a different set of features to it.

In this regard, the schema that PoP uses is API-agnostic, and it's a superset of the one by GraphQL. Wanna see the PoP schema? Sure? Ok, here it is: /api/graphql/?query=fullSchema.

Then, the GraphQL server layer formats the PoP schema following the GraphQL specification, which produces the GraphQL schema. And similarly, we can produce the JSON schema required by the WP REST API.

Generating this JSON schema hasn't been done yet, but it's doable.

Now, what has been done already, is to produce the response of the query in multiple formats. For instance, this GraphQL query:

  posts {
    author {

It is also resolved via this REST endpoint: /posts/api/rest/?query=id|title|date|

And we don't need to stop there. Do you need to produce the results using yet a different format, such as XML? No problemo: /api/?|title|date|

(This could help implement the proposal for a new import/export tool for WordPress, based on a schema. This also makes a bit more evident what I said earlier on: a single interface can power all data interactions, both within the CMS, and also from the CMS with external APIs.)

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.

Round 12: Support for novel features

Is the GraphQL spec final? The answer is no: the spec is constantly evolving. In this moment, there are 100 open issues, many of them containing proposals that will be formalized some time in the future.

Now, among those 100 issues, there will certainly be new features from which we can benefit today, right? If so, why wait?

That's exactly my way of thinking.

We can't wait forever

"But if something is not in the GraphQL spec, then we should not add it to the GraphQL server, or the users will get confused!"

Good point. However, if we make the novel features available as opt-in only, then users will necessarily be aware of it, and no issue or misunderstanding will happen.

Once again, that's my way of thinking. This is a matter of opinion though, so if you'd rather only use features that every single GraphQL server out there is also using, that's OK.

I believe this is how WPGraphQL operates. At least, I haven't seen a single feature that goes beyond what has been approved in the spec.

For Gato GraphQL, though, I regularly scan the list of issues in the spec and, if I find some cool feature, which can be satisfied by my server without much effort, then I implement it. (Indeed, this is one of my hobbies.)

These are the "forward-looking" features I have implemented to publishedAt:

โœ… Multiple query execution
โœ… Schema namespacing
โœ… Nested mutations
โœ… Composable directives
โœ… Proactive feedback
โœ… Field and directive-based versioning

And I'm already planning to add:

โœณ๏ธ Subscriptions (this is already part of the spec)
โœณ๏ธ @stream and @defer directives
โœณ๏ธ Flat chain syntax

Winner of the round: Gato GraphQL.


Ladies, gentlemen.

It's time for the verdict

What an unforgettable night we've had! What a match we just experienced! Two heavy heavyweights giving their best for their dream.

A dream that both of them are chasing, but only one of them can catch.

And now, we will know who that person is. Now, it's time for the truth!

Who will the "GraphQL in WordPress" world champion be?

Is it going to be the widely-acclaimed, loved-by-the-masses, featured-in-big-publications current champion, WPGraphQL?

Or it it going to be the irreverent, step-on-your-toes-without-asking-for-forgiveness, comes-uninvited-to-the-party contender, Gato GraphQL?

The contenders wait for the verdict

We are waiting for the verdict by the judge. What a tension! Oh Santa Maria, make my heart resist this moment!

๐Ÿฅ And ๐Ÿฅ the ๐Ÿฅ winner ๐Ÿฅ iiiiiissssssssssssss ๐Ÿฅ ...

It's a draw!

The 2 fighters, the 2 heavyweights, they have a draw!

The contenders hug each other

What a wonderful moment! The two contenders hug each other, showing that we are all friends within the WordPress community, like a big family we are.

So, what is the justification for the draw? The judge explains:

๐Ÿ‘‘ WPGraphQL is the more popular one, and its use is more widespread.

๐Ÿ‘‘ The Gato GraphQL has a better architecture, and it could potentially better serve WordPress in the long run.

Ladies and gentlemen, you've had the verdict from the judge!

And our trophy has two gloves: one for each contender.

The 'GraphQL in WordPress' trophy

But what is your verdict?

Will you keep unconditionally using WPGraphQL for your headless needs?

Or will you give Gato GraphQL the opportunity it is claiming for, download the plugin, and give it a try?

Ladies and gentlemen. This is all for the night.

We sincerely hope you have enjoyed the match.

And let's hope we have a new encounter soon between our two champions.

Good night.

Update 01/05/2024: Learn more in the Gato GraphQL vs WPGraphQL comparison.

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