
⭐️ Released v2.4 with Application Passwords support, compatibility with WordPress multisite, and mutations for pages

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

Gato GraphQL v2.4 has been released with several improvements and bug fixes.

Application Passwords Support

It is now possible to use WordPress Application Passwords to send an authenticated request to the GraphQL endpoint.

For instance, we can pass the application password when executing the curl command against the GraphQL server, replacing the USERNAME and PASSWORD values:

curl -i \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"query": "{ me { name } }"}' \

When using Gato GraphQL PRO, thanks to the newly added _strBase64Encode field, we can use GraphQL to execute authenticated HTTP requests against another WordPress site.

The query below receives the username and application password (and the endpoint to connect to), creates the required authentication header (of type "Basic base64encoded(username:password)"), and sends an HTTP request against the GraphQL server, passing the GraphQL query to execute:

query GetDataFromExternalWPSite(
  $username: String!
  $appPassword: String!
  $endpoint: URL!
) {
  loginCredentials: _sprintf(
    string: "%s:%s",
    values: [$username, $appPassword]
  base64EncodedLoginCredentials: _strBase64Encode(
    string: $__loginCredentials
  loginCredentialsHeaderValue: _sprintf(
    string: "Basic %s",
    values: [$__base64EncodedLoginCredentials]
  externalHTTPRequestWithUserPassword: _sendGraphQLHTTPRequest(input:{
    endpoint: $endpoint,
    query: """
  me {
    options: {
      headers: [
          name: "Authorization",
          value: $__loginCredentialsHeaderValue

Compatibility with WordPress Multisite

Several issues were fixed to make Gato GraphQL be compatible with a WordPress Multisite network.

It is now possible to activate a single license of Gato GraphQL PRO to operate the whole multisite.

Check the video for demo Translating pages on a Multilingual site based on WordPress Multisite, where Gato GraphQL helps translate all pages in a multilingual site based on a WordPress Multisite network:

Added page mutations to the GraphQL schema

Added the following mutations to the GraphQL schema:

  • Root.createPage
  • Root.updatePage
  • Page.update

For instance, you can now execute this GraphQL query to modify a page:

mutation UpdatePage {
  updatePage(input: {
    id: 2
    title: "Updated title"
    contentAs: { html: "Updated content" },
    status: pending
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    page {

Added fields to fetch the logged-in user's pages

v2.4 also adds fields to retrieve the logged-in user's pages.

The previously-existing fields, Root.pages and Root.pageCount retrieve pages for any user, but only public ones (i.e. those with status "publish").

From this version on, we can fetch public or private pages from the logged-in user (i.e. with status "publish", "pending", "draft" or "trash"), using these new fields:

  • Root.myPage
  • Root.myPages
  • Root.myPageCount
query {
  myPages(filter: { status: [draft, pending] }) {

Added fields to fetch the site's locale and language

Added the following fields to the GraphQL schema:

  • Root.siteLocale
  • Root.siteLanguage

For instance, executing the following query:


...might produce:

  "data": {
    "siteLocale": "en_US",
    "siteLanguage": "en"

These fields are provided via the new "Site" module. Disabling this module will remove the fields from the GraphQL schema.

Improvements and fixes

  • Install "internal" private custom endpoint (#2684)
  • Added documentation for new PRO field _strBase64Encode (#2673)
  • Link extensions to the Extensions Reference in (#2675)
  • Added YouTube channel link to About page (#2676)
  • Added predefined persisted queries:
    • [PRO] Translate and create all pages for a multilingual site (Multisite / Gutenberg) (#2688)
    • [PRO] Translate and create all pages for a multilingual site (Multisite / Classic editor) (#2688)
  • Highlight extensions and enable link to visit in website (#2674)
  • GraphiQL client (for LocalWP) now uses site URL as endpoint (#2686)
  • Internal server error from passing string when expected int (v2.4.1)

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