⭐️ Released v2.3, new PRO integration with Polylang, Gato GraphQL YouTube channel, and more
Howdy! Here are all the news concerning Gato GraphQL up to mid-May 2024.
Released Gato GraphQL v2.3
Gato GraphQL v2.3
has been released with several improvements.
Among others, it adds mutations to create and update custom posts!
For instance, this query updates the title and content for a Custom Post Type "my-portfolio"
mutation UpdateCustomPost {
updateCustomPost(input: {
id: 1616
customPostType: "my-portfolio"
title: "Updated title"
contentAs: { html: "Updated content" }
}) {
errors {
...on ErrorPayload {
customPost {
...on CustomPost {
Check out the release notes in GitHub.
New PRO integration with Polylang!
Gato GraphQL PRO now has an integration with the Polylang plugin, with support for both Polylang and Polylang PRO.
With the new Polylang extension, you can use Google Translate to automatically translate a post to all languages defined in the Polylang settings, and store those translations in the corresponding posts.
It gets better! Thanks to automation, newly-published posts can be automatically translated to all the languages, and even have their tags, categories, and featured image synchronized across languages.
Check out video Automatically translating posts for Polylang to experience how powerful this feature is, and how much easier working with Polylang becomes:

Tutorial videos
We have started recording tutorial videos for the Gato GraphQL demos section, showing how to use Gato GraphQL for many use cases:

The first 3 tutorial videos are out, demonstrating the new Polylang integration:
- Automatically translating posts for Polylang
- Automatically synchronizing translations for a post's tags and categories for Polylang
- Automatically synchronizing translations for a post's featured image for Polylang
Be welcome to suggest content you'd like to see.
New Gato GraphQL YouTube channel
You can also watch our tutorial videos in the brand-new Gato GraphQL YouTube channel.

Subscribe to be notified whenever there is a new tutorial.
A bit of everything
New Gato GraphQL intro video
The hero section in the Gato GraphQL homepage now includes a 6-min long video, demonstrating several highlights for using Gato GraphQL. Check it out!
How To Work With GraphQL In WordPress In 2024
I have published article How To Work With GraphQL In WordPress In 2024 on Smashing Magazine, describing our options for integrating GraphQL with WordPress in 2024, by focusing on the main developments in this space from the past few years.
Attending WordCamp Europe 2024
I will be attending WordCamp Europe 2024 in Torino. Will you be there? If so, let's meet!