
🚀 Released Gato GraphQL v1.2 (with new Persisted Queries)

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

Version 1.2 of Gato GraphQL has been released! 🎉

Here's a description of all the changes.

Added several predefined Persisted Queries

The following Persisted Queries, to execute common admin tasks, are now provided:

Translate content from URL

Given a URL as input, its language, and what language to translate it to, this query fetches the content from the URL and performs the translation using Google Translate:

query TranslateContent(
  $url: URL!
  $fromLang: String!
  $toLang: String!
) {
  _sendHTTPRequest(input: {
    url: $url,
    method: GET
  }) {
    translated: body @strTranslate(
      from: $fromLang
      to: $toLang

For instance, passing the URL of some Markdown file in a GitHub repo, and language code "es":

  "url": "",
  "fromLang": "en",
  "toLang": "es"

...will translate the Markdown content to Spanish:

  "data": {
    "_sendHTTPRequest": {
      "body": "# Single Endpoint\n\nExecute queries against the GraphQL server through the public single endpoint.\n\nBy default the endpoint is `/graphql/`, and the path can be configured through the Settings.\n\n![Single endpoint in Settings](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-single-endpoint.webp \"Single endpoint in Settings\")\n\nThe GraphQL single endpoint can be configured by assigning a Schema Configuration to it. To do this, on section \"Schema Configuration\" select the desired entry from the dropdown for \"Schema Configuration for the Single Endpoint\":\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" markdown="1">\n\n![Settings for the Schema Configuration for the Single Endpoint](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-schema-configuration-for-single-endpoint.webp)\n\n</div>\n\n## Clients\n\nInteract with the single endpoint via the available clients.\n\n### GraphiQL\n\nIf module \"GraphiQL for Single Endpoint\" is enabled, then the single endpoint's GraphiQL client becomes publicly available.\n\nTo open it, click on link \"🟢 GraphiQL (public)\" on the plugin's menu:\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" markdown="1">\n\n![Single endpoint's link to the GraphiQL client](/assets/guides/upstream/single-endpoint-graphiql-link.webp)\n\n</div>\n\nBy default, the client is exposed under `/graphiql/`. This path can be modified on the Settings, under tab \"GraphiQL for Single Endpoint\":\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" markdown="1">\n\n![Path to GraphiQL client](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-graphiql-for-single-endpoint.webp)\n\n</div>\n\n### Interactive Schema (Voyager)\n\nIf module \"Interactive Schema for Single Endpoint\" is enabled, then the single endpoint's Voyager client becomes publicly available.\n\nTo open it, click on link \"🟢 Schema (public)\" on the plugin's menu:\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" markdown="1">\n\n![Single endpoint's link to the Interactive Schema client](/assets/guides/upstream/single-endpoint-interactive-schema-link.webp)\n\n</div>\n\nBy default, the client is exposed under `/schema/`. This path can be modified on the Settings, under tab \"Interactive Schema for Single Endpoint\":\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" markdown="1">\n\n![Path to Voyager client](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-interactive-schema-for-single-endpoint.webp)\n\n</div>\n",
      "translated": "# Punto final único\n\nEjecute consultas en el servidor GraphQL a través del punto final único público.\n\nDe forma predeterminada, el punto final es `/graphql/` y la ruta se puede configurar a través de Configuración.\n\n![Punto final único en Configuración](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-single-endpoint.webp \"Punto final único en Configuración\")\n\nEl punto final único GraphQL se puede configurar asignándole una configuración de esquema. Para hacer esto, en la sección \"Configuración del esquema\", seleccione la entrada deseada del menú desplegable para \"Configuración del esquema para el punto final único\":\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" descuento=1>\n\n![Configuración del esquema para el punto final único](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-schema-configuration-for-single-endpoint.webp)\n\n</div>\n\n## Clientes\n\nInteractúe con el punto final único a través de los clientes disponibles.\n\n### GrafiQL\n\nSi el módulo \"GraphiQL para punto final único\" está habilitado, el cliente GraphiQL del punto final único estará disponible públicamente.\n\nPara abrirlo, haga clic en el enlace \"🟢 GraphiQL (público)\" en el menú del complemento:\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" descuento=1>\n\n![Enlace del punto final único al cliente GraphiQL](/assets/guides/upstream/single-endpoint-graphiql-link.webp)\n\n</div>\n\nDe forma predeterminada, el cliente está expuesto en `/graphiql/`. Esta ruta se puede modificar en Configuración, en la pestaña \"GraphiQL para punto final único\":\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" descuento=1>\n\n![Ruta al cliente GraphiQL](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-graphiql-for-single-endpoint.webp)\n\n</div>\n\n### Esquema interactivo (Voyager)\n\nSi el módulo \"Esquema interactivo para punto final único\" está habilitado, el cliente Voyager del punto final único estará disponible públicamente.\n\nPara abrirlo, haga clic en el enlace \"🟢 Esquema (público)\" en el menú del complemento:\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" descuento=1>\n\n![Enlace del punto final único al cliente de esquema interactivo](/assets/guides/upstream/single-endpoint-interactive-schema-link.webp)\n\n</div>\n\nDe forma predeterminada, el cliente está expuesto en `/schema/`. Esta ruta se puede modificar en Configuración, en la pestaña \"Esquema interactivo para punto final único\":\n\n<div class=\"img-width-1024\" descuento=1>\n\n![Ruta al cliente Voyager](/assets/guides/upstream/settings-interactive-schema-for-single-endpoint.webp)\n\n</div>\n"

It has been added to the Recipes section too, under "Translating content from URL".

Translate post (Classic editor), and Translate posts (Classic editor)

There already were persisted queries "Translate post" and "Translate posts" (in bulk), which deal with translating all the properties inside the Gutenberg blocks in the post.

These have been duly renamed as "Translate post (Gutenberg)" and "Translate posts (Gutenberg)", and new persisted queries have been added to translate content for the Classic editor:

  • Translate post (Classic editor): Translate a single post
  • Translate posts (Classic editor): Translate multiple posts, in bulk

All these queries translate content by calling the Google Translate API, sending all the data within a single request.

Then, if using query "Translate posts (Classic editor)" to translate 5 posts, all data (title, content and excerpt) for all 5 posts is sent all together, providing a rich context that produces a greater accuracy in the translation.

For instance, after translating this post from English to Chinese:

Post in English
Post in English became this:

Post translated to Chinese
Post translated to Chinese

Import post from WordPress RSS feed

Point to the WordPress RSS feed for a post, and create a new post with its data.

For instance, the query will parse the following RSS feed for a single post (normally accessible under

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"
    <title>A tale of two cities &#8211; teaser &#8211; PoP API Demo</title>
    <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    <description>Just another WordPress site</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:03:59 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <sy:updateFrequency>1	</sy:updateFrequency>
      <title>A tale of two cities &#8211; teaser</title>
      <pubDate>Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:24:18 +0000</pubDate>
      <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<p>It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.</p>

Import posts from CSV

Provide a CSV to creates posts with the corresponding data for each entry (the title, excerpt, content, and author).

For instance, the CSV below will create 3 posts:

Multi-channelled optimal interface,Inventore iste velit et expedita ipsa dolor,"<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Inventore iste velit et expedita ipsa dolor. Optio suscipit qui id harum corporis dignissimos.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",admin
Ergonomic motivating parallelism,Consequuntur velit quasi assumenda,"<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Consequuntur velit quasi assumenda. Eum non saepe est. Ut dolorem harum eveniet eaque nemo impedit. Voluptatem commodi modi sed sed animi voluptatem.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:image {""id"":5,""sizeSlug"":""large""} -->
<figure class=""wp-block-image size-large""><img src="""" alt="""" class=""wp-image-5""/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:image {""id"":7,""sizeSlug"":""large""} -->
<figure class=""wp-block-image size-large""><img src="""" alt="""" class=""wp-image-7""/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->",admin
Down-sized solution-oriented securedline,Ipsam minima qui asperiores dolorum unde voluptas quia voluptate,"<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Ipsam minima qui asperiores dolorum unde voluptas quia voluptate. Incidunt omnis cumque beatae quo deleniti ex. Praesentium nihil et consectetur neque commodi tempora ipsa adipisci. Praesentium perferendis sint est.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Et aut fuga aliquam consequuntur dolore sunt ut ut. Quibusdam in voluptas vitae quia eaque. Eligendi dolorum dolorem vitae et vitae et ut.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",admin

After executing the query, we get the results:

Created posts from CSV
Created posts from CSV

Fetch post links

Find all links in all posts (by searching for all <a href="(...)">(...)</a> strings), and list them down in the response as a JSON object, with properties { href: (...), text: (...) }.

For instance, it may produce this response:

  "data": {
    "posts": [
        "id": 1435,
        "title": "Citations from famous authors",
        "links": [
            "href": "",
            "text": "Quote by Fyodor Dostoevsky"
            "href": "",
            "text": "Quote by Leon Tolstoi"
            "href": "",
            "text": "Quote by Voltaire"
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Hello world!",
        "links": []

Added XML scalar type

We can now input XML strings via the new XML scalar type, which will validate the correctness of the XML string.

For instance, this query:

  _strDecodeXMLAsJSON(xml: """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <message>Hello world!</message>

...will produce:

  "data": {
    "_strDecodeXMLAsJSON": {
      "message": "Hello world!"

Whereas this query:

  _strDecodeXMLAsJSON(xml: """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <message>Hello world!</message>

...will produce:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Cannot cast value '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n  <body>\n  <message>Hello world!<\/message>\n  ' for type 'XML'",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 31
      "extensions": {
        "field": "_strDecodeXMLAsJSON(xml: \"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n  <body>\n  <message>Hello world!<\/message>\n  \")",
        "problems": [
          "Premature end of data in tag body line 2\n"
  "data": {
    "_strDecodeXMLAsJSON": null

Improved documentation


  • In predefined persisted queries "Translate post" and "Translate posts", added failIfNonExistingKeyOrPath: false when selecting a block's attributes.{something} property (as it may sometimes not be defined)
  • In predefined persisted query "Import post from WordPress site", added status any to select the post
  • Renamed persisted query "Translate post" to "Translate post (Gutenberg)", and "Translate posts" to "Translate posts (Gutenberg)"

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