
⭐️ Released v7.0 to power standalone plugins

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

Gato GraphQL v7.0 has been released. Check out the release notes in GitHub for the complete list of changes.

Important: The plugin now requires at least PHP 7.4.

This release brings the ability to embed the Gato GraphQL plugin within other plugins. In other words, other plugins can execute GraphQL queries without requesting the admin to also install Gato GraphQL on the WordPress site.

This provides the foundation to create standalone plugins that address a specific use case by executing a GraphQL query, without ever exposing the GraphQL server to the user, and greatly simplifying the UI.

An example would be a plugin that automatically translates a post when published: As the writer hits the Publish button, the query is executed, and the translation done, without the writer knowing anything about GraphQL.

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