
⭐️ Released v5.0 with new mutations to assign tags and categories to custom posts, and several improvements

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

Gato GraphQL v5.0 has been released. Check out the release notes in GitHub for the complete list of changes.

Starting from this version, the minimum WordPress version has been raised to v6.1.

Below are the most important updates.

Breaking changes

  • Bumped minimum WordPress version to 6.1.

Return no results when filtering data by an empty array

This GraphQL query filter posts by ID:

query FilterPostsByIDs(
  $ids: [ID!]
) {
  posts(filter: { ids: $ids }) {

Previously, when passing an empty array in variable $ids:

  "ids": []

...input filter.ids would be ignored, and the field would then return all results.

Now, passing an empty array means "retrieve no results".

To ignore the filter input, pass null instead.

The same behavior applies for all fields that accept the filter.ids input:

  • categories
  • comments
  • customPosts
  • tags
  • users
  • etc


  • Added field isGutenbergEditorEnabled
  • Support additional taxonomies for mutations on post tags/categories (not only post_tag and category)
  • Added taxonomy field also to PostTag and PostCategory types
  • Added featuredImage field on GenericCustomPost

Added mutations to assign custom tags/categories to custom posts

You can now execute mutations to assign tags and categories on custom posts:

mutation SetTagsAndCategoriesOnCustomPost(
  $customPostId: ID!
  $tagIDs: [ID!]!
  $categoryIDs: [ID!]!
  $append: Boolean
) {
  setTagsOnCustomPost(input: {
    id: $customPostId
    tagsBy: {
      ids: $tagIDs
    taxonomy: "some-tag-taxonomy"
    append: $append
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    customPost {
      tags(taxonomy: "some-tag-taxonomy") {
      tagNames(taxonomy: "some-tag-taxonomy")
  setCategoriesOnCustomPost(input: {
    id: $customPostId
    categoriesBy: {
      ids: $categoryIDs
    taxonomy: "some-category-taxonomy"
    append: $append
  }) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    customPost {
      categories(taxonomy: "some-category-taxonomy") {
      categoryNames(taxonomy: "some-category-taxonomy")

Added Settings option to enable/disable logs

The complete GraphQL response for specific items (eg: when doing automation in PRO) can be logged under file wp-content/gatographql/logs/info.log.

A new option Enable Logs? in Settings > Plugin Configuration > General has been added, to enable printing these logs (it is false by default):

Enable Logs? option in Settings

Application password failed authentication: Show error in GraphQL response

If using Application passwords to authenticate the user against the GraphQL endpoint, and the authentication fails, the error message is now shown in the GraphQL response:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Application Password authentication error: The provided password is an invalid application password."
  "data": {
    "me": null

Added predefined persisted queries

Several persisted queries have been added:

  • [PRO] Import post from WordPress RSS feed and rewrite its content with ChatGPT
  • [PRO] Import new posts from WordPress RSS feed
  • [PRO] Import HTML from URLs as new posts in WordPress

Bug fixes

  • On fields blocks, blockDataItems, and blockFlattenedDataItems, avoid error when post has no content

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