
⭐️ Released v3.0 with support for WordPress 6.6, and bulk mutations

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

Gato GraphQL v3.0 has been released, containing new features and a couple of breaking changes. Check out the release notes in GitHub for the complete list of changes.

Below are the most important updates.

Added compatibility with WordPress 6.6

Gato GraphQL 3.0 has recompiled all its blocks, to make them compatible with WordPress 6.6. (For all previous versions, blocks will throw a JS error.)

Added bulk mutation fields (for all mutations in the schema)

Gato GraphQL 3.0 adds "bulk" mutation fields for all mutations in the schema, allowing us to mutate multiple resources.

For instance, mutation createPosts (single-resource mutation is createPost) will create multiple posts:

mutation CreatePosts {
  createPosts(inputs: [
      title: "First post"
      contentAs: {
        html: "This is the content for the first post"
      title: "Second post"
      contentAs: {
        html: "Here is another content, for another post"
      excerpt: "The cup is within reach"
      title: "Third post"
      contentAs: {
        html: "This is yet another piece of content"
      authorBy: {
        id: 1
      status: draft
  ]) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {
      author {

Bulk mutations unlock possibilities for managing our WordPress site. For instance, the following GraphQL query uses createPosts (and Multiple Query Execution, provided by Gato GraphQL PRO) to duplicate posts:

query ExportPostData
  postsToDuplicate: posts {
    postInput: _echo(value: {
      title: $__rawTitle
      contentAs: {
        html: $__rawContent
      excerpt: $__rawExcerpt
      @export(as: "postInputs", type: LIST)
mutation CreatePosts
  @depends(on: "ExportPostData")
  createPosts(inputs: $postInputs) {
    errors {
      ...on ErrorPayload {
    post {

The list of added bulk mutation fields is the following:

  • Root.addCommentToCustomPosts
  • Root.createCustomPosts
  • Root.createMediaItems
  • Root.createPages
  • Root.createPosts
  • Root.removeFeaturedImageFromCustomPosts
  • Root.replyComments
  • Root.setCategoriesOnPosts
  • Root.setFeaturedImageOnCustomPosts
  • Root.setTagsOnPosts
  • Root.updateCustomPosts
  • Root.updatePages
  • Root.updatePosts
  • Comment.replyWithComments
  • CustomPost.addComments

Breaking change: Require at least WordPress v6.0

In order to support WordPress v6.6, blocks in the plugin had to be re-compiled targetting WordPress v6.0+.

Hence, starting from v3.0, Gato GraphQL requires at least WordPress v6.0.

Breaking change: Schema configuration block "Payload Types for Mutations" may need be reconfigured

Schema configuration block "Payload Types for Mutations" has been added a new option value: "Do not use payload types for mutations (i.e. return the mutated entity)". For this reason, its inner data structure has changed.

If you have created a schema configuration with option "Do not use payload types for mutations (i.e. return the mutated entity)" selected, after upgrading to v3.0 this selection value will be lost. You need to edit the schema configuration, select this option again, and save.

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