
⭐️ Released v2.5 with WordPress hook mapping (PRO) and persisted query to send email notifications

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

Gato GraphQL v2.5 has been released, containing the following changes.

Added persisted query to notify users on new post

Predefined persisted query [PRO] Send email to users about post has been added.

This query sends an email to all users, or to a segment of users, notifying of the creation of a new post on the site.

It is integrated with the new automation rule Automatically sending an email to all subscribers notifying of a new post added to Gato GraphQL PRO.

Check the video for demo Automatically sending an email to all subscribers notifying of a new post to see how it works:

[PRO] Added "WordPress hook mapping" for the Automation extension

There are WordPress hooks which cannot be directly used in the Automation Configurator, because they provide a PHP object via the hook, which can't be input as a GraphQL variable.

Starting from v2.5 of Gato GraphQL PRO, several of these hooks have been mapped, by triggering a new hook prepended with gatographql: and the same hook name, and passing the corresponding object ID as a variable, which can be input as a GraphQL variable.

For instance, WordPress hook draft_to_publish passes the $post as variable (of type WP_Post). Gato GraphQL PRO maps this hook as gatographql:draft_to_publish, and passes the $postId (of type int) as variable.

The following table lists down the mapped WordPress hooks:

WordPress hookMapped hook by Gato GraphQL
{$old_status}_to_{$new_status} (passing WP_Post $post)gatographql:{$old_status}_to_{$new_status} (passing int $postId)

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