
♻️ Maximizing the PHP compatibility for WordPress 6.4 and the plugin directory

Leonardo Losoviz
By Leonardo Losoviz ·

WordPress 6.4 "Shirley" has been released. Is is recommended to run it using PHP 8.1 or 8.2, but the minimum supported PHP version is still 7.0.

Hence, our WordPress plugins need to (as much as possible) support PHP all the way down to 7.0, and be compatible with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.

The most logical way to do that is to code our plugins using PHP 7.0, while:

  • Using no features that have been deprecated in PHP 7.x, as those will have been removed in PHP 8.x
  • Using no features that have been deprecated in PHP 8.x, as those will raise warnings

To be sure that the plugin code is compatible, we need to thoroughly test it on several environments, running the different versions of PHP.

Coding in PHP 7.x has a clear disadvantage: The plugin code must be compatible with PHP 8.x, however it cannot use any of its features, such as union types, the match expression, the nullsafe operator, and many others.

There is a better alternative.

Downgrading PHP code from 8.x to 7.x

Instead of coding in PHP 7 and making sure it works with PHP 8, we can do the inverse: Code the plugin in PHP 8, and downgrade it to PHP 7.

This is possible thanks to Rector, a tool to automate PHP code refactoring.

Rector provides rules to downgrade code from PHP 8.1 to PHP 7.2. This means we can use these modern features in our WordPress plugins, as these can be downgraded into PHP 7.2 code.

For instance, rule DowngradeMatchToSwitchRector converts the match operator into a switch operator:

class SomeClass
    public function run()
-        $message = match ($statusCode) {
-            200, 300 => null,
-            400 => 'not found',
-            default => 'unknown status code',
-        };
+        switch ($statusCode) {
+            case 200:
+            case 300:
+                $message = null;
+                break;
+            case 400:
+                $message = 'not found';
+                break;
+            default:
+                $message = 'unknown status code';
+                break;
+        }

Notice that the rules are for good for downgrading down to PHP 7.2, not all the way down to PHP 7.1 and 7.0. However this is not a big deal, as these two PHP versions combined account for only 3% of WordPress sites.

Downgrading code is a better approach, because:

  • By coding in PHP 8.1, we are absolutely sure that our code will be compatible with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.
  • As long as we use PHP features for which there are downgrade rules, the code will also work in PHP 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.
  • We can make use of PHP 8.x features, such as union types, the match expression, the nullsafe operator, and many others.

Notice that not all PHP 8.x features are available. For instance, there is no rule (yet) to downgrade enumerations, hence we can't use these.

Concerning testing, there is no difference: We must also thoroughly test the plugin on several environments, running the different versions of PHP, to be on the safe side.

How to downgrade code

Gato GraphQL is developed with PHP 8.1, and downgraded to PHP 7.2 for production.

Downgrading the code and testing it, and then releasing the plugin for production, is all automated via GitHub Actions workflows:

To learn more, I've written a few articles on this topic:

I hope you find it useful 🙏

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